Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

The Crescent City-Del Norte County Taxpayers Association is hiring signature gatherers to protest sewer rate increases.

They are paying $2 per valid signature.  Easy to equate to $10/hr or more depending upon how resourceful you are.  A valid signature is from someone that pays a sewer bill or owns property that is connected to sewer.

1 protest vote per parcel.  There are 3427 parcels and 2,000 signatures are needed.

You need to be willing to walk and/or drive  in the rain, wind, cold, or hail. Or you can sit at a table by the Water Department and get signatures when people come out after paying their sewer bill.  Must be consistent and reliable. Turn in paperwork every 24 hours. Leave door hangers for people not home.  Go back to those same people when they are home. You can work your own hours. You can make calls the night before and pick up signatures the next day. Whatever it takes to get the job done.

Simple application form to fill out, then 20 to 30 minutes of training and you start working. Must sign independent contractor agreement form which means you pay your own taxes.  This job offer is only good until February 15th.

For your information only, once original signed protest ballots are turned in, a duplicate copy is made.  Then the originals are taken to the City and the duplicates are date stamped by the City for our records.  This is to double check the count by the City since they made numerous errors in the past and did not count valid signatures. The signatures must all be turned in by February 16th. You are not responsible for making copies or turning them in to the City. You are only responsible for getting valid signatures, their address and sewer account number on preprinted forms and turning them in to the Tax Association.

Territories can be assigned. You can team up with your friends and one person gets signatures on one side of the block while your friend can do the other side of the block.

You do not need to learn anything or to explain anything about the sewer rate increase. You only need to ask 3 questions and then get a signature.  The majority of people sign (9 out of 10) because they realize they can’t afford to trust the City over finances involving the sewer plant.

Apply by:

  1. * Calling: (707) 951-3650.  If no one answers be sure to leave your name and telephone number and you’ll get a call back within 24 hours.
  2. * Emailing:
  3. * responding to Donna Westfall’s facebook
  4. * Come by 937 J Street

Apply today!


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