Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

By Roger Gitlin – EYE ON DEL NORTE – January 31, 2022

The 2022 Primary filing period for the Office of California Attorney-General begins in mid-February.Sacramento County District Attorney Ann Marie Schubert has announced her intent to run for the State’s top Law Enforcement position.

Schubert (I) is an Independent and welcomed breath of fresh air candidate who actually intends to enforce the Law unlike current appointee / unelected and declared candidate Rob Bonta.

Schubert brings a healthy respect back to the Attorney-General’s Office:* Ann Marie Schubert is proud to identify herself as a law and order DA.

Ann Marie Schubert

* Ann Marie Schubert was a major player in bringing the 20+ year old Golden State murders cold case to justice when she sucessfully prosecuted serial murderer and rapist Joseph James DeAngelo for the scores of murders, rapes and burglaries committed over a 12 year crime spree (1974-86).

*Ann Marie Schubert leads a group of 44 other DA’s in bringing a law suit against the California Dept of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) to cease early-releasing inmates from across the 35 CDCR institution network of prisons until the Courts can reasonably ascertain the impact these early-released inmates bring to the communities in which they settle. Del Norte County DA Katherine Micks is part of this law suit. Notable among the 13 other counties NOT joining the Suit are lawless Los Angeles County and DA George Gascon and Francisco County DA Chesa Boudin. Newsom-appointed Attorney-General Bonta is an unapologetic and inculcated ideologue who supports the lawless and dangerous policy of ignoring felony behavior of an out-of- control, rapidly-growing criminal element in the State.\

*Schubert is in her second term as Sacramento County DA. She has spent her entire career as a public safety advocate who brings a level of passion to her position that all, including crime victims, have a right to be heard with fairness, dignity and respect.

* Ann Marie Schubert founded a children’s advocacy group called PACT: Partners Against Chronic Truancy.

* Ann Marie Schubert opposes Prop 57 which empowers authorities to change sentencing law protocol for so-called “Non-violent ” offenders.

* Schubert’s position on NO BAIL is clear: NO BAIL wreaks havoc on the Justice system. DA Schubert will have her work cut out for her as she steps up a rung on the ladder to the the Attorney-General’s Office. There hasn’t been a non-Democrat in the Office in 23 years. And the Democrat Party continues to move even further to the Left with policies which are lawless, irresponsible and dangerous.

California’s next Attorney-General:

Ann Marie Schubert

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