Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

By Kevin Kiley – June 14, 2024

Gavin Newsom is by far the most unpopular Governor in America. That is the result of a new poll from the Public Policy Institute of California.

Newsom’s approve/disapprove rating is fully 10 percent lower than any other Governor in the latest data. Among Independents, his rating is negative 34 percent; even 28 percent of Democrats disapprove. And just this week, we got a very clear demonstration why.

First, the good news: the Secretary of State just announced the initiative to End Prop. 47 has officially qualified for the November ballot. We did it! Thank you to all who signed the petition and helped spread the word; you have given our state the chance to make crime illegal again.

Yet Newsom wants to rob Californians of this opportunity. He’s trying to hijack the initiative with a “poison pill” that would repeal other public safety laws as punishment for passing it. You can watch Newsom actually admit he is trying to remove the initiative from the ballot.

I’ve written a letter to Newsom from the entire California Republican congressional delegation (covered by Fox News here) denouncing his machinations. And I gave a House Floor Speech lighting up Newsom for the most corrupt scheme in state history.

Fortunately, Newsom’s plan has gotten major bipartisan blowback. The SF Chronicle’s opinion page called it “shady,” and a Democrat Senator withdrew her sponsorship of the bills he’s using as blackmail, saying Californians “have the right to vote” on the initiative.

Meanwhile, in D.C., the full House voted to hold Merrick Garland in contempt. I took part in the Floor Debate with a blistering 2-minute speech. And we just received word I’ll have the chance to question Alvin Bragg directly: he appears before the Judiciary Committee on July 12.

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Kevin Kiley is a California Congressman

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