Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

By Samuel Strait – October 24, 2022

Bright and early, after yet another change in plan, we left Socorro, New
Mexico for Lincoln County, home of “Billy the Kid”, along with eleven
historical houses in Lincoln, New Mexico. Shades of the past in the old
west.  Then proceeded on to Roswell, New Mexico, scene of a 1947
reported crash of a UFO.  While no physical evidence that this
sensational crash ever occurred, it has become part of the
extraterrestrial lore of the southwest. Some say that the US Military
erased all signs of the event, as reasoning for the missing artifacts
from the alien ship alleged to have crashed in a farmer’s field  outside
of the town of Roswell, New Mexico, in July of 1947.  Plenty of news
coverage followed the event, but to this day no one has been able to
produce physical evidence of the actual crash.  It has spawned a lively
tourist trade in the area that certainly can use the boost to their
economy.  Gasoline was $3.55 per gallon this morning as we left Roswell
for Carlsbad.

Did not make it to Carlsbad for the final tour of the day, such a
shame.   Decided to press on to New Mexico’s Aircraft Museum in Las
Cruces, New Mexico which closes at 4:00 pm.  Made it with time to
spare.  Most of today’s trip is still over back country roads with
little to no traffic.  After leaving the mountains and canyon lands of
Arizona, broad vistas are now the rule with mountains well in the
background.  Texas, with its flat endless prairie beckons over the last
bit of mountains immediately to the east. As we have moved on from the
tidy aircraft museum, War Eagles Air Museum, in Las Cruces to El Paso,
Texas, the tensions on the border over illegal immigration are palpable
and in evidence along the stretch of border from El Paso down to Sierra
Blanca.  Several vehicle checks have been established by the state in an
attempt to stem the tide.  Not much question that there is a huge
problem stemming from illegal immigration from California to Texas. 
Texas appears to be the most serious in the effort to soften the impact
on its citizenry, yet it clearly is an overwhelming problem for those
city’s close to Mexico.  Border patrol was visibly evident all the way
to Fort Stockton our stopping point for the night.

We finished the day with gasoline down to $3.35 per gallon, nearly half
that of the price we began this trip in Crescent City.  There is an old
frontier post to see in the morning in Fort Stockton, before we head out
to San Antonio and Houston.  I had spent time in El Paso in the early
seventies and hardly recognized the place.  Fifty years of time has
passed and the town has become a City.  No question that things change
over the years to the point where you hardly recognize you past.  One
thing has become clear during the brief time we have spent in the
American Southwest, is that small town America is alive and well, and
friendly as ever.

More tomorrow as we head East.

Day six began at the Fort Stockton historical army post, and you guessed
it was closed on Sundays.  Not to be deterred, we set off to make up
some distance and set our sights for San Antonio, whereupon arriving we
learned that “The Alamo”, one of Texas’ premiere historical sites has
not gotten the memo, that Covid CDC policies are no longer considered
credible, most particularly for pets.  We did take a quick run by and
saw what has become a highly commercialized attraction for tourism in
all its historical splendor, then put San Antonio in our rear view
mirror.  One other note is that gasoline prices dipped below $3.00 per
gallon to $2.85.

One thing that has become clear as we moved across the State of Texas,
is that it is energized and things are happening in spite of what the
current Democrat administration has done with immigration.  Texas,
except for El Paso, has under taken what the federal government has
clearly failed at, which is to control most of their border against the
wholesale assault from drug smuggling, human trafficking, and economic
related crossings.   It is no wonder that Texas is attracting new
residents in substantial numbers. Notwithstanding, it is unfortunate
that California and Del Norte County leadership has considered the
health of their government over that of its citizenry.  As we have moved
eastward, this has become a common thread where government seems to at
least acknowledge the plight of is citizens in this current time of high
taxes and inflation.

Texas is a huge state of rolling plains and hills.  It is hard to
justify its special place on our brief visit and limited time we have
spent in its borders.  Friendly out going people, eager to help in any
way possible.  It is with some regret when we left Texas and we headed
for New Orleans, subject to tomorrow’s attention where we hope to take a
break for a few hours of music and food.  Tonight we are stopped in
Lafayette, Louisiana, a bare two hours from tomorrow’s goal.  89 degrees
and humid, at 7:30 in the evening.

Day seven to follow.

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