Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Commentary and Opinion By Donna Westfall – March 14, 2023 – picture credit to US

Thank you House Speaker for releasing the footage to Tucker Carlson from the Jan 6 incident.

Now, it’s time to demand the release of the prisoners. The next step should be to hold those on the Jan 6 committee accountable for the piss poor job they were empaneled to do.

As your website suggests, “Due to the large volume of US mail, emails and faxes I receive, I am only able to accept messages from residents of the 20th District. If you are a resident of another district, I encourage you to use the Find Your Representative Service available at to learn how to contact your Representative in Congress.”

There are about 766,000 living in your district. We have about 27,000 in Del Norte County which is part of the 2nd District. That would be:

Congressman Jared Huffman,

Assemblyman Jim Wood,

Senator Mike McGuire and of course I included

Governor Gavin Newsom.

In addition a copy was sent to the Del Norte County Board of supervisors and a copy to the Crescent City, City Council.

All were sent this email:

‘The slogan ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ was originally implemented and trademarked by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY MTA) after a terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.’

Millions of Americans have sat back and watched the travesty called the January 6 Committee. We knew they were a Kangaroo Court.  We knew there was no insurrection. We knew they were dishonest and lying, but it wasn’t until House Speaker Kevin McCarthy released over 41,000 hours of video tape that Tucker Carlson aired on TV that the truth came out.

Now, it’s up to us to help free the American political prisoners of Jan 6.

Please use your influence here and in Washington DC to free the prisoners. 

You can do this by making proclamations during your meetings.  You can do this by speaking up and speaking out.

Enough is enough.

Please make this a part of the public record.

Donna Westfall Email:

Disgruntled American Citizen, sick and tired of watching our country turn Communist/Socialist/Fascist.”

I sent my emails at 4:05 pm, Monday March 13 and at 4:05 pm I got this from Sen. Mike McGuire’s office:

“Thank you for your message and for taking the time to make contact with our office!

Please be assured that I read all messages personally. Your views on legislation and issues facing the Senate are important to all of us and we’ll be following up with you soon.

‎If we can ever be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 916.651.4002.

Thank you again for ‎the email!

Mike McGuire

State Senator”

At 7:05 AM, March 14th I got this auto response fromCongressman Jared Huffman’s office:

“Thank you for contacting me. I always appreciate hearing from my constituents, and I will respond to your message as soon as I am able. Thank you for your patience.

If this is an urgent matter, please contact one of my offices below:

San Rafael District Office (Marin): (415) 258-9657
Petaluma District Office (Sonoma): (707) 981-8967
Fort Bragg District Office (Mendocino): (707) 962-0933
Eureka District Office (Humboldt, Del Norte, Trinity): (707) 407-3585
Washington, DC: (202) 225-5161

Best regards,

Jared Huffman
Member of Congress”

Let’s see if anything, I mean anything else is ever received. Or if they make any waves in the news. I won’t hold my breath.

Meanwhile, I applaud Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene for visiting and viewing the conditions of the political prisoners from the Jan 6 incident. I hope she is able to accomplish something. Demands for their release are long overdue.

As you are aware, House Speaker, all of our reps in the California legislature for District 2 are Democrats. I’d like to see the days of JFK working on both sides of the aisle brought back. Hope it happens soon. This is a perfect example of an issue where cooperation can be accomplished.

The next step should be to hold those on the Jan 6 committee accountable for the wretched job they were empaneled to do. Of course, if their mission was to lie, they accomplished their mission. However, American’s should not sit still for this. We cannot afford to be complacent any longer.

One thought on “Open Letter to House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy”
  1. Looks like Del Norte county has some right wing nuts. People were killed in the January 6 attempted coup by Trump and his fanatics. Trump and his fanatics are traitors. The penalty for treason is death or not less than 5 years in prison with a minimum fine of $10,000.
    Turn off the Fox propaganda and come back to reality.

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