Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

By Donna Westfall – August 12, 2017 – Supervisor Roger Gitlin sits on the Prison Advisory Board. During their last meeting held Wednesday, August 9th at 3 pm, the following were discussed:

  1.  Current inmate count stands at 2,082.
  2. There used to be 700 officers and 3,623 inmates.  That was too many.  They had riots, double bunking.  They want the inmate population to stay between 2200-2300.
  3. They just hired 35 more officers with another 19 more coming.
  4. Men sentenced to life in prison now have lots of way to get time reduced on their life sentence.
  5. Many of the correctional officers stay about a year then transfer out.  Some transfers out are due to being away from family.
  6. There are currently 15 different programs teaching inmates skills so that they can get jobs when they leave prison.
10 thoughts on “Pelican Bay State Prison Advisory Board Update”
  1. Sutter,
    you were never an officer. You were a crackpot prison guard. Ask any of your fellow guards and they will happily testify to the fact. Look at you first attempt to write a sentence. “Mr. Jason, I was an officer 17 years. the article you present has nothing to do with the issue.” Anybody care to number the errors for this “educated officer”? And yes the article has EVERYTHING to do with the issue of rehabilitation and recidivism, if you read beyond the headline. Maybe you should ask one of the ladies at the newly labelled “WHOREHOUSE” for some help with your reading and comprehension.

    1. It is true I was not liked by some of my peers because when I took MY BADGE it meant something to me, but guess what none of those Officers would say I ran from physical challenges when a riot broke out…..I wrote controversial reports, I told the truth when a lot did not, and stood my ground as a female officer in a level 4 male institution. I took jobs most would not want to take such as working in a dining room alone with male felons, without coverage. I was not submissive and had a strong presence…so the penny waist people you get your information from, what was their reason for disliking me? let me guess, I didn’t cater to their needs and wants…well boohoo…

      1. “Penny waist” lmao at the highly “educated” “officer”. The term you couldn’t is


        1. a feeble or effeminate person.


        1. effeminate or feeble.
        And the use of that term to describe your colleagues is undoubtedly sexual harassment.

          1. Sutter, You have no trouble describing a halfway house as a “whorehouse” and by inference the inhabitants as whores. You gleefully look forward to the rape and murder of an inmate. An inmate who you were sworn to protect when you were a prison guard. Then you complain when called on your insanity? IF YOU CAN’T STAND THE HEAT STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN!

  2. we should just get bumper stickers that say “i told you so” and send them to the liberals. Or we should put them on our cars ourselves actually and just drive through their sin towns as their throats are slit by the slime they make excuses for. Liberals are so stupid. I TOLD YOU SO

  3. While some of this is good news, it concerns me that there is a ”quota” for inmate population. This is a direct link to mass incarceration and an incentive to create conditions and/or assert policies that criminalize people rather than help people BEFORE they get to prison.
    Secondly, I’m concerned that the hard-earned attainment of job skills will be met with many closed doors if communities, local businesses, etc. are not willing to hire ex-convicts. I’m concerned that we have not yet built a “welcome back” mindset that honors time served and a willingness to help people move on successfully once they walk beyond that cement wall.
    Thank you for your work being on the advisory board and publishing the update.

    1. Nube Brown, you are exactly what the problem is with that liberalism form of mindset. Giving convicted felons a second chance. How sweet, not!!!!…These people are not in that institution for missing the proverbial sunday school. Good God…Child molesters will never be rehabilitated. They can’t it is a disease. I had one inmate tell me, “i hope i never get out of prison because I will molest again. Even if they cut off my penis, i would find other means. i can’t help it.”

      Oh and by the way since this ridiculous liberal mindset has taken over the entire state of California with the realignment of prison including what is a crime, the Correctional officers are enduring more riots, the prisons are almost out of control and the safety and security of people inside as well as outside are all suffering because these poor poor inmates are incarcerated.

      Rapists same thing, as child molesters. They hate women for whatever reason and will subject them to harm if let out. Drug addicts, Alcoholism, are time bombs using their addiction to go out and harm other people… how about murder? Oh that is a good one. I will never forget the case file i read on one of the inmates. The first time he went to prison for 13 years for killing a young man. when he was let on parole, he went back to the same family and killed the brother of the first victim he murdered. Guess he wasn’t rehabilitated..or maybe yet he was…because rehabilitation means restoring someone that has been damaged to its former condition…his former condition…MURDER.

      you want to spend a phenomenal amount of tax payer dollars to educate these parasites. Oh yeah, so go out and commit the most heinous of crimes, go to prison and get FREE EDUCATION. What is wrong with our society? Where we are now rewarding these criminals with not only a free cot, 3 meals a day, free dental, free medical and conjugal visits; but promoting the DEFY program so they can get educated and make more money than most people who do not go to prison. what is wrong with that picture?

      Handling troubled children with fragile gloves instead of spanking their little asses when trouble begins is the result of our “mass incarceration.” Which by the way is caused from extreme liberalism.

      If you want to trust an ex-con go for it….but when he slits your throat, I will start a GO FUND ME ACCOUNT to have placed on your tombstone, “I TOLD YOU SO.”

        1. Mr. Jason, I was an officer 17 years. the article you present has nothing to do with the issue. Did you even read the article you linked the readers to? it does not discuss rehabilitation at all…it was about what is being done with the empty prisons in other countries… are a little out of your league here…best stick with what you know which isn’t much….

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