Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

By Samuel Strait, Reporter at Large – March 10, 2021

As most know who read the pages of the Crescent City Times, I am a
regular contributor on a great variety of topics, one of which sparked a
comment with a series of questions included.  Normally I would elect to
respond to those questions with a comment of my own which would further
the topic and provide issue and counter point at the bottom of the
article.  The questions themselves while claimed to be “serious”
questions, might be considered so, until the author made it clear that
he was not intending them to be serious and respectfully wait for his
answers.   While the questions themselves have very little to contribute
to the article commented on, often the case for readers who have great
difficulty with the concepts discussed, it seems that the topics has
some interest to not only myself but to those that read my writings.

The author of the questions, has graciously attributed the title of
“journalism” to my endevours and asked if my “opinion” was required in
what I write?  While I, myself would be unlikely to claim the title of
“journalist”, I would be much more comfortable with reader and then
writer.  As to whether or not my opinion is necessary in what I put to
paper, if you are a careful reader of my prose, you will find that my
opinion is more reflective of others that I may or may not agree with,
and not necessarily mine alone.  There remains plenty of room for a
differing opinion if one was offered and stands the test of rebuttal. 
Too often what passed for a differing opinion has no relevance to the
topic, does not add to it, or is the simple frustration of one who has
no response and simply chooses to be rude.

When I produce a piece to appear in the Times, it is generally the
product of extensive reading on the topic, and very often can produce
material that is not normally to be found in the narratives produced by
those in the media.  I rarely imply that the content is the last word
and generally include facts to support my contentions.  If some one is
to dispute those facts, I am welcome to being educated.  More often than
not, the source of the facts can easily be produced along with other
material in support of what is written.  I try to be careful of those
facts with knowledge from other writings as well as the test factor,
“Does it comport with common experiences found out in the world?” It is
not so much my opinion, but a consensus in what I have read.  That
consensus may not be unilateral, I do read things other than only
Conservative writings, but both historical examples, and common sense
guide my process when relating ideas on the topics I cover.  As to
whether or not the Times is nothing but editorials, one can hardly make
that claim.  There is a fair amount of content that is strictly news,
and even most of my topics are intended to place news worthy items
before the readership and allow the topic to develop.  If more would
participate in meaningful comments, that would most definitely extend
the value of the topic.  News can educate, it should not indoctrinate.

As far as affecting the content of which I write it is meant to elicit
comments, and I would encourage them.  Everyone should have a voice.  
What is important is, that the voice should be respectful and relevant. Anything otherwise says more about the commenter’s personality than
the topic contained in the article. In order to have a constructive
conversation, it must have all the elements of a constructive
conversation.  If the conversation begins with disdain and arrogance,
the doesn’t meet the requirements necessary for ideas to be developed
and become relevant.  People who behave in a civilized manner, every
where in the world, can talk to people in a civilized fashion whether
they agree or do not.

The final two questions actually pertain to my personal opinion of
thought contained in the article.  Kind of a change to be asked for an
opinion after being told my writings are nothing but my opinions.  Being
a father, and raised in a family that had great respect for education,
it was never my intent to cease educating myself when I spent my last
days in College.  Education is not something that can be tucked away on
a shelf only to be taken down on rare occasions.  The idea that a young
person is not educated to the  best of an educators ability is a
travesty.  It is a cringe worthy event in my life when a young person
cannot live up to his or her full potential simply because of a failed
education.  As far as my thoughts on money spent on education, and is it
enough or not, is an answer that really cannot be answered except in
each individual student’s need.  Education has become more about the
money than meeting those needs.  As much as local educators pat
themselves on the back and would like you to believe that their
performance meets or exceeds expectation, the results do not match up
with that fantasy..  Granted, it cannot be left up to solely the
teacher/student dynamic, parent participation is paramount.  What should
be clear from the continuation of dismal results is that the current
dynamic does not work for to many of our youth.  Money or not, this
country was founded on the principal of a well educated population
necessary for the health of this nation.  A dysfunctional education
system cannot produce that health for the continued well being of this
nation.  That should be plain for anyone to see.  My concern is solely
for those Kids.  Until that happens, I will continue to write about this
travesty until it produces acceptable results.

I trust that goes some way towards answering your questions. “crickets”!

14 thoughts on “Response to recent questions”
  1. The system that provides education to children in our country has been an underfunded mess for DECADES.. Glad to see Mr Strait just now noticed we have a problem. We always seem to have enough money to fund the next defense budget but only ever a handful of nickels to support proper education for the children of the nation. We created a lottery system whose profits we’re to fund education. Worked like a charm… Teachers are buying their student supplies in many areas of the country. Since your SOLE CONCERN is educating children, my suggestion to you, sir, is stop wasting your breath spewing what you claim are OTHERS opinions, not your own, AND GET A JOB TEACHING. What? You’re not doing that? Well, perhaps you have concerns beyond the education of those poor sweet little children. Good try..

  2. One last thing I find particularly disingenuous from this self described opinion blogger. “ will find that my opinion is more reflective of others that I may ot may not agree with, and not necessarily my own.” Are you seeing this? THIS is how you deflect the truth. If I give you MY opinion, it is mine and mine alone. You don’t get to give your opinion then qualify it by saying ‘well, this is an aggregate of opinion that I’M spewing from MY mouth.’ That’s not how that gig works. So thabk you fkr bringing this very important issue to your readers… That your skin is so old and frail that you cannot manage the comments in your very own comment section and feel the need to present a person with differing views to be the subject of more of your complaing and whining. Just face the fact, Mr Strait, you and yours are on the way out the door and there’s little to nothing that can save you. Not even starting a consevative blog post.

    1. Yes sir, good to know you don’t understand the concept surrounding the term ‘crickets’ as I have replied directly and regularly since this became public. I asked some questions in your comment section and left it dead for 2 days(hence my crickets comment) while apparently composing back there in your closet on that dusty old typewriter under an incandescent bulb.. ding! Then you drop me in your healdine. Why would I not reply? Seems a jolly good time to point out the hypocrisy of the toxic rightwing self-victimization. He says unhinged as he uses me as a target for his latest conniptions. It’s a fine day! I’ve been busy and still catching this mess and throwing it back. I’ll have an extra cup for you then Sam. You have yourself a nice day out there, if you can manage, and I sincerely hope your ink ribbon never runs dry..

  3. Sorry for the misspellings, the websites functionality is such that I was unable to move the text to check for error. Imagine that..

  4. Since there are no journalists at the Crescent City Times, you don’t really have a newspaper. Since you don’t really have a newspaper, there ahoild be no doubt that this Condervatibe Republican blogbpost you have here is little more than a bbunch of the loudest opiniomated people and let them tickle the typewriter to their hearts content. Much like Tucker Carlson, it’s all a bunch of stupidity and hyperbole dressed up like a pig in lipstick to look similiar in presentation to ACTUAL REAL NEWS This, my friends, is a last gasp effort to remain relevant in a world that is increasingly seeing these clowns for who they are. Anyone else wanna join the fray?

  5. So here we go again. Let’s ROLL UP our sleeves and get messy. Firstly, Thank you, Mr. Strait, again for working those fingers to the bone in such a thankless job like being complainer-in-chief for Del Norte county. For everyone ELSE, –> I <– am the one Mr Strait is referring to in this "Article." Yes, I asked a series of questions and as expected got no respose in that thread. Lo and behold, I've now been gifted an entire section that will bitch bout ME! oh fun!
    So.. we have a "newspaper" if one can call it that that supplies the local residents with the opinions ranging from "Those pesky democrats.." to "Up Donald Trump's Anus." The political rhetoric of the people who write this rag is closer to the rhetoric of Mitch McConnell or Tom Cotton. apparently not what one would consider what might come from real journalists, you know, with proper training and a degree. Now, you've tried several times in this drivel to insult me while silmultaneously asking to be resepectful.. which is just like other dirtbags I've talked to of the same political persuasion. Completely disingenuous and barely veiled comtempt seeting beneath the surface. Mr. Strait, you should probably see an anger managememt specialist if you feel the need to take yo your lame platform to attack those from the comment section. It's apparent that no meaningful converasation will come of this article, nor will there be any easing of the tension between opposing factions in our area. It should now become apparent to all that we have a festering boil growing in our area and somehow we need to find a way to excise this toxic slime and move on go greener pastures. Mr. Strait, if you'd like to have a less public discussion, I'd buy you a cup of coffee so I can look you in the eye when I tell you how childish you are. Now, go find something else in the community you don't like so you can continue to complain, as is your right.

    1. Appreciate the offer, but I don’t drink coffee. Sounds like you should ease up too. You appear to come off a bit unhinged. Of course I see that there is an outlet for all that aggression, the American Fifty-cent Army. Might just make enough to support your habit, coffee, I mean. Crickets! Just my opinion of course? Hehehe.

  6. Sam, it seems that you are being trolled. The Chinese Communist Party has their “Fifty Cent Army” of paid internet activists who enforce the party-line. Any opinions that do not reflect strict adherence and obedience to the Communist Party are either censored or ridiculed by this Fifty-Cent Army, and in many cases the authors are purged and imprisoned. Google, Facebook and Twitter are able to outright ban conservative content, but those independent venues like the Crescent City TImes have so-far been immune from the uber-rich Silicon Valley monopolists. There are people in the United States that likewise scan the internet for voices opposed to Corporatist-Communism; and some are handsomely paid for their services. Perhaps your troll is part of this American Fifty-Cent Army, or simply a Corporate-Communist zealot who has a grudge against anyone with viewpoints opposed to those who own and control over 90% of mainstream media and pop-culture. Either way, all trolls serve their purpose. Always remember, even if a bee could communicate to a fly the merits of nectar over feces, the fly would never ever comprehend.

    1. Appreciate the offer, but I don’t drink coffee. Sounds like you might want to ease up on that. You sound a little unhinged. Crickets! I see that there is a useful outlet for that, the American Fifty-Cent Army. Make a little money to support your habit, coffee, I mean. Hehehe? Crickets, not funny?

      1. Yes sir, good to know you don’t understand the concept surrounding the term ‘crickets’ as I have replied directly and regularly since this became public. I asked some questions in your comment section and left it dead for 2 days(hence my crickets comment) while apparently composing back there in your closet on that dusty old typewriter under an incandescent bulb.. ding! Then you drop me in your healdine. Why would I not reply? Seems a jolly good time to point out the hypocrisy of the toxic rightwing self-victimization. He says unhinged as he uses me as a target for his latest conniptions. It’s a fine day! I’ve been busy and still catching this mess and throwing it back. I’ll have an extra cup for you then Sam. You have yourself a nice day out there, if you can manage, and I sincerely hope your ink ribbon never runs dry..

          1. Apparently you don’t understand the concept of USING YOuR BRAIN. It’s ok though, because no one really expects an old crotchety man to understand the common vernacular. A real journalist would deal wiyh his comments in the comments section. Dimwits like YOU and Tucker Carlson think bashing folk in their headlines makes them special. Go curl up in the corner and let the people who have to live with this world deal with it. Nearly 3 days those questions went unanswered, ya fool. I know when I posted.. Maybe you better see a doc there, Sam. Your cognition is failing apparently.

    2. Could not resist, sorry Jeff, I know I should know better, but it is so much fun to yank on such an obvious chain. It’s almost like pushing that big red button that says, “DO NOT PUSH!” HOW else would I go about my day which is so obviously spent whinning and moaning. Oops! Sorry to cut this short, I have an important session with my “Anger Management Specialist” that Steve offered to put me in touch with. Crickets!

    3. Thank you JMC, for you interesting take here. Again, this is the type of rhetoric spewed forth by the right wing. Imagine, calling a member of your community, who works here, who pays taxes here, a god damned chinese troll. It would seem, to me, that the only troll around here is Mr Strait who is conatantly up the ass of the city council, school board, and whomever else he has taken a fancy to complain about. Now.. JMC.. THIS ‘article’ was written as a direct response to a line of questions posed IN THE COMMENT SECTION. Taking information asked in your comment section creatimg an entire ‘article’ to put me on blast in the headlines is pathetic and childish. JMC.. Your conspiracy theory that I’m a chinese troll makes me think you’re just smart enough to believe QAnon conspiracy theories. Where are all those pesky adrenohrome sucking democrats? Thanks for playing..

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