Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

By Linda Sutter – September 28, 2021

Rubber Tramps, aka, camper trailers and RVs, is the slang term for the new HOBO/Felons.

You see them on our South Beach. You see them at Walmart and other places of business begging for money, and now we see them in our jails and hospitals.

Some community businesses have offered to help them to get them to move along, however, to no avail. Their license plates are more than likely expired, or not showing at all. They leave heavy bags of garbage and other debris where ever they decide to park.

One such person whose name is Sam but goes by aka Cadillac Sam was hosted on a YouTube video while he was in Del Norte County Jail. For approximately 20 minutes this individual was allowed to talk to a show host on YouTube while in Jail. At one point an officer took the inmate’s phone from him and asked the host of the YouTube video show if this phone call was on YouTube.

What kind of people are these RV, Campers, and vans hosting? Felons, pedophiles, rapist, drug lords and the like. One video which will be displayed after this initial report was from a Hispanic dude named Andrew. In the video, Andrew, who lives in a very expensive RV displayed $50,000 dollars of wrapped hundred dollar bills. Guess whatever he and his wife are doing is lucrative by any means. Still want to give those hard earned dollars to these people who stand on the roadside begging for money? I am guilty of doing it, all of us have succumbed to our empathy but after seeing $50 g’s I don’t think so.

The worst part about what is going to happen in our community is YouTube. YouTube is advocating for these hobos to move to Crescent City. That’s right, Crescent City. You don’t have to go too far to see what is occurring at South Beach. You don’t have to go far but a drive down Howe Drive or Anchor Way to see that our town will be suffering from unwanted characters coming into Crescent City, filling up our jails, only to be released within a few days back to the public, and utilizing the hospital at their beck and call.

The hobos aka Rubber Tramps brag about not paying any taxes, not paying rent, not paying for insurance, etc. and getting everything for free, and believe people who work are jealous of them. A lot of them have warrants from other states but their warrants are such low felony charges, that they do not get extradited.

Why are our hands tied in this community? How was Orick able to rid all the RV-ers and campers that used to stay for free along that stretch of pristine beach? The Coastal Commission has been alerted but to no avail. It is only a matter of a couple of more months before more people will be fleecing to our County. Crime will go up. These people have nothing to give to this community but hardship.

14 thoughts on “RUBBER TRAMPS and how they affect our Communities”
  1. With these prices so far out of line with what the economic system pays back out to the people, far too many people have no other choice but to tramp in one form or another. One will soon see far more people drifting in search of a grub stake in life. People soon will never have enough in any kind of retirement account to retire, yet the system will not hire a person much after the age of 60. One is already seeing far too many areas in America that look third world. I know, because I’ve spent loads of time in the third world helping third world natives. It’s coming… the great cornucopia is drying and dying if something doesn’t turn around soon. Booty Hole Biden and his entire Obama dominated company is a God forsaken failure and the worst thing to ever happen in America.

  2. The author of this article is full of poo. I know Andrew and he’s not homeless. He owns a business and takes care of his wife, his mom who’s health isn’t great and his 5 daughters. The author conflated videos from an online YouTube community possibly without knowing. However, the author is correct about Sam White aka “Cadillac Sam” aka “Rubber Tramp” which is his YouTube channel. That man, Sam White, is a problem. He’s been in and out of jail several times over the past 3 years since I’ve known him through YouTube. He is a dog thief. He is a sexual deviant and he’s threatened your local burger King employees with throwing his urine on her and waiting for her to get off work because he thought he was owed .19 cents. That man, Sam White, is and will always be a leach on a community.

    1. Mr. Harkanson is incorrect in his assessment of life long felon, Andrew Guzman. Mr. Guzman does not own his own business nor does he have 5 daughters. He has spent the majority of his life in high security prisons for violent crimes.
      Mr. Harkanson is attempting to enflame the citizens of Crescent City with inflated tales of Cadillac Sam. Sam may be homeless but he is not a sexual predator and Mr. Harkanson would be wise to discontinue false allegations that could result in bodily injury or death to a physically disabled person.

  3. Way to brand everyone who lives in a vehicle as “Felons, pedophiles, rapist, drug lords and the like.” Some of us are productive members of society. I’m a veteran and former LEO. I sold my house, cars, and toys in 2018 to escape the rat race. I bought a nice older van to convert into my new traveling home.

    I spend about half my time in C.C. The other half traveling. I pay my own way, usually with my savings, but won’t scoff at earning a quick $50 for a few hours work. When I reach retirement age my 35 years of labor will provide me with a decent check each month. I pride myself in not looking for a handout from the government, something PLENTY of housed residents in C.C. take advantage (and even brag) of.

    I keep my vehicle clean, uncluttered, and properly registered and insured. I’m sure the majority of homes in this town are nowhere near as tidy as my van. I dispose of my trash and pick up my dog’s poop. I make no offensive noises nor park illegally…ever. When I do park it’s for 8-12 hours at a time, and I vary my location as much as possible.

    So, Ms. Sutter, I live the ‘van life’ and love every minute of it. Yes, it costs far less than keeping a home, something i don’t miss. There are compromises to living in 66 sq. ft, but I make it work so that it’s cozy for me and my pooch. I only wish the few agitators in this community could understand and accept my choice, and differentiate between the true deadbeats in this community and those of us who take pride in it.

    Unfortunately, that hasn’t happened: Several times I’ve woken to knocking by a police officer who is responding to an unsubstantiated complaint by those same few agitators. Thankfully the C.C.P.D. is professional and courteous, and have never found me in violation of the law. We’re not all indigent, intoxicated, belligerent or with malicious intent. Some of us just want to peacefully co-exist without harassment. Are you reading this, Roger?

    1. I am wondering when you say you never Park illegally, then go on to say you move every 8 to 12 hours, and change locations as much as possible, why do you have to move or change locations? Do you dispose of your trash at the transfer station or have garbage service? How do you charge your electronics? How easy is it to find places where it is legal to park for 8 to 12 hours at a time without it being illegal or trespassing? Finally how do you manage regular bathing, sewage, and hygiene? Just curious. I was under the impression that van life outside of rv parks and camp grounds came with certain challenges that quite often came with dependence on others that paid in some way for that free and easy life style for you. Maybe I am mistaken and you pay for your parking, trash pick up, electricity use, water, and all the other mundane expenses of housed living. I just didn’t see any reference to just how they were accomplished in your defense of life style. Perhaps you can enlighten us all?

      1. Not unreasonable questions, Sam. Before I park, I check local laws for restrictions. Here in C.C. I can park for up to 72 hours on a public street or parking lot because my vehicle is not over 22ft in length, or in excess of 7ft in height and width, otherwise I’d be limited to 8 hours. I choose to park away from residences when possible, which is almost always the case. The reason I don’t stay more than 8-12 hours at a time is because I realize that an occupied vehicle that sits too long in one spot is unsightly and raises suspicion.

        As for garbage I generate about one grocery bag worth every three days, hardly enough to require a trip to the transfer station. I deposit recyclables in the marked bins. When I was building out my van the transfer station took my construction waste..and money:)

        For charging electronics I have a Renogy solar system installed with 200ah of power, more than enough for my needs. I have 12 volt appliances (except my laptop) and my lighting is all LED.

        The availability of legal parking depends on where I’m at. Generally speaking the further south I go the more restrictive it becomes. San Diego? Forget about it.

        Hygiene is always a concern. I use state park campgrounds when traveling (cost: $2-3) for showering, except that COVID-19 has restricted that amenity in many locations. I used to have a gym membership as a backup but have enough friends here in C.C. who offer to let me use their facilities that it’s never a problem. I watch over another friend’s business when he’s gone for weeks at a time.

        Let me just say this in closing: I know I’m not the average person living in a van. I see, every day, dirty, unkempt individuals urinating right outside their door, throwing their trash on the sidewalk, and loitering far too long in one spot. I want nothing to do with them. They are pigs and I won’t defend them.

        1. Appreciate the candid response. I have the itch to travel again, and as international is “out” for me now, I was wondering how feasible it was to travel in the United States. I would like to do it in the form of a modest rv style, yet I am unwilling to totally eliminate my “home base” here in CC. I also have a “pooch” to consider and moteling it does not appeal. Seems like your solution has merits, but parking on public streets seems a bit dependent. I like the idea of State Parks for hygiene, never thought of a gym membership. I don’t think the article above was meant to include your style of living, that is if you take the time to read it carefully. Perhaps, the street parking maybe. As far as Roger is concerned, we do have issues with long term street parking, something your own experiences should have made you aware of. There also have been numerous “examples” of camping on city streets that you have alluded to that need to be attended to and addressed. If I was to take up that life style street parking for any more than to attend to ones business seems to be the best way to avoid the tar brush of itinerant behavior. Camping or sleeping best left to State Parks and other forms of temporary RV style overnighting? It also takes care of all other impacts that living tends to generate without the issues generated that associate one with a dependency on others. Thanks again for addressing the issue in a thoughtful manner and enhancing the conversation.

        2. I love how you completely debunked this entire article and there is no response, I am retired military and built out a 1988 diesel bus with the same bells and whistles you mentioned I own real estate and rent my properties out to people… so whoever wrote this must have had a van lifer take their parking spot one too many times…

          1. Clearly you are unable to read what was posed in my comments. Clearly you do not understand that the kind of RVers that Mr. Lockhart represent are entirely different from those referred to in the article. While Mr. Lockhart has some admitted dependency issues and no doubt you do too in your choice of lifestyle, they in NO WAY debunk the article and it’s characterisation of the kind of people referred to in the article…. They are two very different forms of RVing. The type referred to in the article is totally dependant on the public to support their lifestyle. Mr. Lockhart at least makes a significant effort not to be a total leach on society. So before you comment on an article or a comment in the future, put your brain on and try to understand what is being said before you put your foot in your mouth and look incredibly stupid.

  4. Hobos? During the Great Depression of the 1930s, “Hobo” was a slang term for an itinerant worker. Most Hobos were skilled craftsmen or “Jacks of all Trades,” who exchanged their services for food and other necessities. Another class appeared along with the Hobo, and they were called “Bums.” They got that name because it described their activities and their mindset. Bums believe the world owes them a living, and that it is far better to mooch a living than to work.

    1. if you look up rubber tramps the term hobo/felons appear… so…despite what hobo used to stand for it no longer does….political correctness is a disease….fortunantely it doesn’t affect me I am vaccinated

  5. The elimination of overnight parking at Freshwater Lagoon occurred because the National Park expanded its boundaries to include this area just south of Orick, over the objections of the Orick Chamber of Commerce and local businesses. The proponents of eliminating overnight parking there were the RV parks in Crescent City, Klamath, Trinidad, and Arcata.
    Prior to 1994, people could stay overnight along 101 between Anchor Way and the Crescent Beach Motel, but “No overnight parking” signs were placed along the highway at the urging of area RV parks.

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