Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Credit to Adam Spencer – November 14, 2016 – In light of this week’s election, there’s nothing more timely and critical than protecting the North Fork Smith from strip mining.

With the Trump Presidency and a Republican Congress it makes it even more important that we secure what protection we can under the current Administration. The proposed 20-year mineral withdrawal would protect the pristine waters of the Smith River watershed from pollution and destruction by strip mining.

That is why the Smith River needs YOUR support on Tuesday Nov. 15 at the public comment meeting in Brookings, OR. Let’s show Congress how much our community cares about our rivers and water!

THE DETAILS: Redwood Rides is teaming up with Smith River Alliance to provide free transportation to and from Crescent City and Brookings to the public meeting. We will be meeting at Ace Hardware in Crescent City at 4:30 pm Tuesday Nov. 15 and leaving no later than 4:45 pm. To thank you for your participation and to celebrate our wonderful rivers, the Smith River Alliance will be providing free pizza before the meeting at Wild Rivers Pizza in Brookings around 5 pm. The public meeting begins at 6:30 pm. We should be back in Crescent City no later than 8 pm

We currently have 13 spaces available in the Redwood Rides van, but we will help coordinate carpooling if more people are willing to come. Connor Caldwell will be leaving from Crescent City at 5:00pm and has several spaces available in his car.

Thank you so much for your consideration and please RSVP as soon as possible if you can come! Please specify in the comments if you would like to ride in the RR van or carpool with others.

One thought on “Save the Smith River”
  1. Is this a joke? Due to Trump’s win you think strip mining will start on the Smith River? It was under Obama’s watch that shale oil production really hit its apex – and it is akin to strip mining. But wait, let’s blame a Republican that hasn’t done a single thing to hurt the environment. If you ever wonder why your side lost, look in the mirror.

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