Mon. Feb 10th, 2025

Commentary By Donna Westfall – July 1, 2023

Since Roe v Wade became the law of the land in 1973, over 60 million babies were aborted. Last year, the Supreme Court of our nation overturned that “constitutional” right and put the onus back onto the states to curtail or outright ban abortion.

Helping with changing the five decades of brainwashing, a group called Students For Life came front and center. Kristan Hawkins became the Leader of the non-profit and sent me this email:

“Dear Donna,

“Yeah, so I’m just calling to let you all know that you are a cult. You are an evil, evil organization. Every single one of you that’s affiliated with it should just take a good long look in the mirror and realize how much better this world would be if every single one of you killed yourself and literally ate a bullet.

“I hope this really affects at least one person of you and I hope you realize that you are absolutely everything wrong with this world and once again kill yourself. I hope this building burns down.

“F*** you, kill yourself. Have a great night though, dumb-f***s.”

That’s the voice message Students for Life just received at our headquarters a few days ago from another pro-abortion Leftist who’s so tolerant, he wants us dead.

And sadly, he’s not the only one…as my personal social media accounts have been bombarded these last few days with the most vile and awful messages like these…hundreds of them.

I know I tell you constantly about how bad it’s getting on college campuses. But sometimes I don’t even have words to describe what we’re going through right now.

In fact, a student at Christopher Newport University (Newport News, VA) was apprehended by police this April and charged with stalking after gaining unauthorized access to the dorm room of a Students for Life leader and then violating an emergency protective order made against him.

These incidents are not isolated occurrences, but rather part of a disconcerting trend unfolding on college campuses nationwide – and this is just ONE of the Abortion Lobby’s tactics to try and intimidate us.

I’m also starting to think it’s all a plot to drain us financially, too. As, pro-abortion radicals have the billion dollar Planned Parenthood behemoth backing them, after all…and our legal costs have more than tripled this year.

Keep Students for Life’s Programs Running

Unlike Planned Parenthood, Students for Life doesn’t get hundreds of millions of dollars every year from taxpayers.

We depend on the generosity of good folks like you.

And with the race for 2024 right around the corner, Students for Life’s work spreading the TRUTH about 

abortion to young people has never been more important.

Please make your most generous tax-deductible contribution to Students for Life today, to help us save lives by keeping all of our programs going.”

Impacting Campuses & Communities

  • 163,519 – advocates trained since 2006
  • 443,595 – online conversations last year
  • 1,400 – campus groups we serve
  • 16% – of those we speak with change their minds
  • $155.2M – in earned media last year
  • $21,000,000 – in-kind volunteer service to women and families

You can reach Student For Life at their website:

Just wondering if anyone believes we’re better off with millions of illegal aliens entering our land without knowing our culture than to allow 60 million future American’s to be put to death?”

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