Sun. Feb 9th, 2025


When the Tea Party people had meetings in the past in regards to Jefferson State,  the fairgrounds was packed with listening ears. Prior to the June elections there were multiple debates all well attended.  However, the School Board Candidate Forum attendance was not good.

Supervisor 1st District, Roger Gitlin was the only supervisor that attended. No city council members were visible and very few people from the public showed an interest. Sheriff Wilson made an appearance. How does this set an example to young people if no one wants to get involved with the voting process of our School Board, to make a difference? Is educating our young a priority in this county or is it another example of paper bureaucracy? Does anyone understand the seriousness of the role of a school board member?

The role of our local school board is a critical public link to the public schools. Members serve their communities in several important ways. First and foremost school boards look out for students. Education is suppose to be the main agenda. Basically the school boards are the education watchdog for the community, ensuring students get the best education for the tax dollars spent.

After recording the many answers to the six questions that were posed at this forum, it is necessary to inform the public that some of the answers to the questions were of incredible disdain. Writing them in this newspaper would be an embarrassment to this county and would not be beneficial. Therefore, if one gets the chance to review this one in a half hour debate, please take the time to hear for yourselves.

Attending the Candidates forum opened my eyes and although I personally plan to get involved with the school district as I have grand children who will be attending the Public schools, one voice for change is not enough. If we are really wanting to get the best for our children we need to stop taking for granted that everything works. So far from my own experience the best school in the Del Norte County School District is in Smith River.

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