Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

By Roger Gitlin – EYE ON DEL NORTE – March 31, 2022

North Coast State Senator Mike McGuire (D-CA 2) will host a ZOOM meeting Tuesday, April 5 at 6:30PM.

The subject: The Homelessness Crisis.

The gist of the presentation will be the Senator’s desire to “…work day.and night to build 100s of permanent homeless housing units from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Oregon border.”

Of course there will be an impact on Del Norte County, how much one can only conjecture.

I urge you you to call

ZOOM # 1-669-900-6833

Enter the ZOOM Meeting 844 5606 0407 to listen.

EYE ON DEL NORTE awaits the Senator’s presentation with caution and reservation.

It is an election year and I would certainly hope Sen. McGuire isn’t prematurely patting himself on the back prior to this Tuesday’s Meeting. There are many who find themselves in Emergency Rooms with dislocated shoulders from such self-service.

One thought on “Sen. Mike McGuire Addresses Homelessness”
  1. Homeless. Its nice senator mention the homeless not the cost, No one talks about the Illegals coming into this county, where are they taking them, who’s paying for Food, housing, medical bills, NBC ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, no one talks about this just how much can the Tax Payer take, and for GOD sakes lets take care of our veterans first.

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