Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

The Crescent City Senior Apartments, located on Oregon Street, will be implementing a no smoking policy to protect staff, tenants and visitors from the dangers of second hand smoke. The policy will prohibit new tenants from smoking with the prohibition included with any new lease agreements. The few tenants who currently smoke will be allowed to continue and education materials to encourage them to quit will be provided.

AWI Management Corporation has always been committed to making the Senior Apartment community safer and more attractive for residents. As one of the first members of the Crescent City Police Department’s Crime Free Multi-Unit Housing Program, the implementation of a no smoking policy was the next step for AWI Management Corporation to improve the safety and health of all tenants.

The trend towards creating smoke free environments where people reside benefits both the tenants and property owners. It promotes residents health by protecting them from secondhand smoke while improving a property manager’s bottom line through reduced turnover costs and decreased fire risks.

The Department of Health and Human Services, Tobacco Use Prevention Program, has teamed up with the Crescent City Police Department’s Crime Free Multi-Unit Housing Program to assist communities in becoming safer and healthier for all residents.

For more information about the Smoke-free Multi-Unit Housing Program contact the Tobacco Use Prevention Program at 464-3191. For information on the Crime Free Multi-Unit Housing Program contact the Crescent City Police Department at 464-2133.

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