Sat. Jan 25th, 2025

By Roger Gitlin – May 18, 2021 – EYE ON DEL NORTE

The Crescent Fire Protection District conducted a PUBLIC meeting via ZOOM, Tuesday May 18 at 11:30AM.

A total of just four people participated in this so-called “public” meeting to understand and ask important questions about the ballot item to increase an assessment to a minimum of $98 on the 2600 improved properties.

It is extremely disappointing to see how little effort was extended to the public to ask questions and perhaps learn more about the tax and the unorthodox manner on how large property owners are capped at $1000 per individual. Also, many, many properties of low in-come multi-residential are exempted from this assessment, placing an even greater burden on non- exempt properties. UNFAIR !!!

A simple notice was posted on the door of the Fire Station on Washington plus two additional obscure locations was the paltry (but legal) requirement to conduct a public accessed meeting. 72 hours before Tuesday.

It is underhanded practices like the feeble posting of the meeting that raises all kinds of red flags. This kind of sleazy behavior serves the public poorly. In combination with distasteful scare tactics if the ballot measure does NOT pass, will result in another defeat experienced just 200+ days ago.

Crescent City Fire District, cease conducting these practices, schedule and publicize another meeting to answer community questions about the fire tax.

EYE ON DEL NORTE will be happy to spread the word should the Crescent Fire Protection District decide to operate in a transparent manner.

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