Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

From Del Norte County Sheriff’s Office – April 28, 2023

On 4-25-23 at approximately 4pm, the Del Norte County Sherriff’s Office executed a search warrant at 1030 K st in Crescent City.

Roxanne Hamilton was arrested at 1030 K st by DNSO deputies on 4-19-23. It was discovered by Correctional staff that Hamilton had smuggled over an ounce of Fentanyl into the jail.

The DNSO has been receiving multiple complaints from residents in the area regarding suspicious activity in the area of 1030 K st.

The Fentanyl recovered by Correctional staff as well as the complaints made by the community ultimately aided in obtaining the search warrant.

During the execution of the search warrant four subjects were detained and identified for further investigation.

Currently deputies are still completing their reports as to the findings of evidence at 1030 K st.

Del Norte County Code Enforcement and the District Attorney’s office are working in conjunction with us on this case.

Roxanne Hamilton is currently being housed at the Del Norte County Jail under Health and Safety code sections 11350: possession for sale and 11352: transportation of narcotics for sale as well as penal code section 4573: bringing a controlled substance into a Correctional facility.

A message from Sheriff Scott: The teamwork involved between our DNSO Deputies and Correctional Staff to curtail the Fentanyl epidemic happening in our community continues to be a top priority. Great job to the members or the DNSO and the District Attorney’s Office that worked together on this case!

3 thoughts on “Smuggled Fentanyl Leads to Search of K Street Residence in Crescent City, Says DNSO”
  1. Questions arise from this recent Fentanyl seizure. A pound of this dangerous substance is very large considering the small size of this community. Is a chemical analysis being conducted to determine if the Fentanyl was laced with Xylazine? Xylazine, AKA “Tranq” “Zombie Drug,” renders Narcan useless during overdoses because it is not an opiod, and has resulted in even more overdose deaths than is normally seen from Fentanyl alone. When Xylazine hit Seattle, it resulted in so many deaths that the city ran out of space to put the corpses.

    Have the authorities identified what Cartels are operating in Del Norte County? Are we to think that Del Norte is the only County in the United States that has not been taken over by criminal Cartels?

    Where there are hard drugs, there is human trafficking. Often illegal aliens are put to work growing marijuana, selling drugs, prostitution, or slave labor in order to pay their debts to Cartels for passage across the border. Have our Law Enforcement Agencies been on the lookout for illegal pot cultivation (which has taken over adjacent Siskiyou County), indoor grows, sex trafficking from motels and residences, and slave labor in local agricultural businesses?

    This bust, though significant, may only be the first visible tip of a very big iceberg.

    1. The article stated just over an ounce. Where did you get a pound? Either way it is lethal. If you want to start whittling away at our homeless population ban Narcan.

      1. Those have been my sentiments for the roaming, thieving, chaos-causing, drug addict population in general, Sadly, it is not only the homeless population who are using these powerful, illegal narcotics. The reality is that many of the most addicted have the monetary means to buy narcotics in excess while they wile away the hours with no need to worry about going out and maintaining employment. Too many are stupidly impulsive in their youth and experiment with drugs. Those young, teenage offenders need a second chance at life, but also intensive intervention and supervision. Looking out my door at the never ending parade of drug addicted zombies, ‘ban narcan’ is my immediate impulse. Giving those selling it far more serious time behind bars is some place to focus, but California refuses to do that. I heard rumors that the woke, liberal California Legislature has proposed a new welcome sign at all the state line entry points, “Welcome to California — turn in your guns and pick up your free syringes”.

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