Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Press Release From – Terry Gherardi,  Public Information Officer for State of Jefferson – October 18, 2017

The State of Jefferson joins the California Sheriff’s Association and National Sheriff’s Association, in their call for Congress to “take action and pass sensible legislation that doesn’t hamstring law enforcement.”

The citizens of the twenty-one counties that encompass the State of Jefferson have long supported their county sheriff’s who have declared they will comply with federal immigration law, should the Governor sign SB 54. The Jefferson leadership has been outspoken about Brown and his administration, putting the needs of illegal aliens (criminals) before that of the health and safety of American Citizens.

They stated that SB 54 not only bars sheriff’s and police from asking people about their immigration status or participation in most federal immigration enforcement activities, but also would largely prohibit school and security officers, from using money or staff to investigate, question, hold or arrest people for immigration violations.

State of Jefferson also supports efforts by Congressman McClintock (R) California and others who are looking at ways to intervene, to include; that cities and counties who are within a Sanctuary State would be able to file and be awarded federal grant monies. The Counties of Tehama, Siskiyou and cities of Anderson & Lincoln, have already adopted Resolutions, declaring they will comply with Federal Immigration Laws.

Efforts continue by residents in many of the Northern rural counties, requesting that their County Supervisors, also take a stand, adopting similar Resolutions, and also officially support their County Sheriff’s who have taken a vow to uphold the laws of our United States Constitution.

Those of Jefferson are not alone in their opposition of Sanctuary counties and cities. In a recent poll by the University of California, Berkeley, 74% of Californian’s opposed Sanctuary Jurisdiction.

“The passage of SB 54, is  just another example of Brown and his cohorts ignoring the voice of the people, just as with the passage of the recent gas tax increase, along with the lack of representation that exists for rural residents  in the California State Legislature,” said a Jefferson spokesperson. Adding, “It is time that Brown and his administration, start respecting California citizens and our law enforcement officers, who everyday risk their lives, diligently doing their jobs to protect their communities.”



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