Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

I am writing as an outraged parent of three elementary school-aged children. The bullying, and vicious attacks on our students is still up and rising, despite what our area schools tell us, and I have seen people on various bullying sites talking about how their children are being bullied or have been beat up before, during, or after school.

All I can say to those parents is shame on you. Most of you have not gone past the police, or the principals of these area schools, to protect your own children. If the principals won’t help, go to the superintendent, and if he won’t help go to the state.
We have to start standing up for our children. Too many children are going into depression about their situations at school, that leads to, in their minds, no other alternative but to commit suicide, or develop some sort of other coping mechanism.
Pulling them out of school should not be the answer. Everyone deserves the “school experience” that we had growing up. Friends, dances and just general hanging out with your friends on the playground. It is a surreal experience that no one should miss.
We as parents are obligated to protect our children from the cold, and sometimes lonely, confines of bullying at our schools. For if we do not stand up for our children, who will?
Shawna Fairgood, 
Crescent City
  1. I think all parents should stand up for their kids. I have tried to stand up for my grandkids and was just told by Super. Don Olson that any complaints should only come from the parents. I would think that since I am a tax payer that my concerns for how our schools are being run should be heard. Come on folks these kids are the future and they deserve to have a happy school experience. If there is a problem at your kids school take a stand, if you can’t get the help you need at the school, go to Super. Don Olson and he does not help then go to the state. We as tax payers have rights!!

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