Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Good Morning America- Wake up America:

   The Brothers Tsarnaev have just delivered a pressure cooked meal of steel to the streets of Boston America as groggy citizens try to blink away incredulity from awe-struck eyes. Images of corpses and shredded flesh imbed on the national psyche as medical teams cart the human carnage away  to be swathed in yards of comfort cotton. The rigors of  sweating  flesh pounding miles of pavement  ended with the  flash of  searing heat and the marathon would never be the same. Nor would America. Nor SHOULD  America. It is so past time to review our immigration policy. What does it benefit America to keep up the literal river of humanity pouring into our increasingly impoverished nation? And what are our political leaders thinking by allowing immigrants of nations that continue to pronounce America as their mortal enemy? Chechnya is a known cauldron of terrorist activism  directed more towards Russia than the U.S.  but Islam is the driver and the West  is Islam’s mortal enemy. Let us not forget that 16 Chechan terrorists were apprehended after crossing our red carpet southern border in 2008 and they weren’t heading here for a picnic.  The immediate question is how many other terrorists have crossed that notoriously porous  border?
    Not only  are terrorists crossing into the U.S. but terrorist organizations have reportedly collaborated and colluded with the Mexican butchers whose penchant for violent terror makes them akin to the terrorists themselves. It is here where America’s “war on terror” belongs, not giving protection to poppy growing Afghans (see Following the Afghan Drug Trail by Geo. Whitman,Times-Standard 4-25-13). Rep.Sue Myrick (R).N.C. also addressed the situation of terrorist/cartel involvement  on Aaron Klein’s Investigative Radio 77 WABC. Documents from DHS also show 180,000 illegal aliens from countries other than Mexico were apprehended between 2007 and 2010 and the State Department Country Reports  said that smuggling rings have been detected moving people from East Africa, The Middle East and Southwest Asia up through Central America, Mexico and then into the United States. Congressman Connie Mack, who chairs the Western Hemisphere  Subcommittee, states that  our government doesn’t know whether they have terrorist roots or not. He concludes saying..” that should make us all very fearful”. I would say rather than fearful  at least it should make us demand a moratorium of legal immigration and an all out effort to stanch the flow of a staunch foe.
Stop them at the border!
Dale L.Bohling
Crescent City, Ca.

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