Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

Commentary by Samuel Strait – March 17, 2023

As we move into the month of March and the local Board of Supervisors
met for the first time in the month, the honeymoon is over and the
government keeps getting more expensive, larger, and less responsive to
the actual needs of its citizens.  It is almost as if it is on rails
with nowhere to get off.  Opening ceremonies went off with out a hitch
and Chair Short finally has been able to use his microphone to some
effect.  For the most part, when he can get the words out, we all can
finally hear him.  Otherwise, no new employees, a first for some time,
nothing to report out of a lengthy closed session, no corrections or
deletions, and the Board Supervisors kept their opening remarks to a
minimum.  Hallalooyah!

As per usual the consent agenda, where most of the County’s business is
conducted, was loaded with sixteen items, regular items were merely
two.  While many of the items on the list warranted some discussion and
perhaps a negative outcome, only the appointment of Eric Taylor elicited
any discussion at all.  Funny how the Supervisor’s brother-in-law was
the requesting party. That aside Mr. Taylor’s appointment and the
questioning of his biases, did not prevent the Board from a 5-0 decision
to appoint. Wondering if Supervisor Wilson should have recused himself
for the vote, but 4-0 and 5-0 make little difference.  Numbers 14 and 16
to ensure the County receives disaster money where no disaster exists. 
Can’t let a promising crisis go to waste after all it is only taxpayer

Scheduled items included more vacation rental comments, bad governance,
and complaints by the local pot retailer about government thumbs on his
scale.  The final scheduled item included the discussion of creating yet
another County department with all the bells and whistles, staff, office
space, and several new hires.  Seems that the local indigent population
isn’t getting properly represented in court, but likely no one else is
either. Looks like the State has put an oar in the water to nudge the
County leadership towards taking action because Native Americans
currently are part of Sacramento’s push to cater to minorities, as if
they aren’t far enough in the “red” already.  The County’s
Administrative Officer, Neal Lopez, was on tap to high light the
County’s failings and the need for “more government” to solve the problem.

The only other general government item was the conclusion of the six
month long ordeal of closing juvenile hall.  After water works by
Supervisor Starkey and two Juvenile Justice Commissioners had their say,
heaped more abuse on the Chief Probation Officer, and claimed the County
would fall off a cliff should juvenile hall close.   A surprising
uncharacteristic 3-2 vote to close the hall was in store for those in
attendance.  Perhaps a future article in the CCTimes is in store for
this particular item as it is beyond the scope of a simple chronicle of
events.  Suffice it to say, the theater of the absurd was on full
display along with suitable threats of dire consequences by Union
president, Norma Williams, who somehow finds time twice a month to ditch
her regular County job, in order to routinely threaten the Board with
the mayhem that she intends to bring down on the Board’s head if things
don’t go her way.

Final items were budget transfers, more money to the Sheriff, and the
County’s WIC program.  $100,000 in all.  Budget issues rounded out the
brief one hour and forty five minute session with a general update on
the Budget and a summary which continues to reveal surpluses and a
healthy financial situation for the County when it comes to how
taxpayers money has been spent.   Not for the most part to benefit the
local population, but to benefit the rascals that make up our County’s
government.  Like was said in the title, changes of Supervisor’s but
business as usual by the new Board of Supervisors.  The local citizens
haven’t caught a break yet, and continue to be fleeced by both local

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