By Samuel Strait – Reporter at Large – July 13, 2022
Looks like the local Board of Supervisors found that a 4-1 vote is not
the end of civilization as we know it, not that there was much actual
communication nor listening to the dissent by the remaining members of
the Board. While I could ramble through the rather tired contents of
the meeting which once again exhibited no real life during the course of
said meeting, even to the extent of a rather lackluster rooting around
in the consent agenda as if to say “see we really take this seriously
public”. Somehow the prelude to this great pretense was to be found in
the Supervisor reports where nearly all referenced contacts with their
respective constituents, yet clearly did not make any earth shattering
recognition as to what to actually do about their concerns.

There was a bit of fireworks surrounding the renewal of the County’s
contract with the Public Health Officer, Dr. Aaron Stutz.
Local resident, Linda Sutter, pointed out the obvious deficiency’s of the
arrangement with Lord Stutz that followed the artfully displayed reasons
for why Dr. Stutz was necessary to the County with a suitably
constructed narrative as to why Stutz was the only game in town, abet a
rather expensive part time one with no real serious connection to the
County other than $13,900 per month for the next twelve months.

Seems to be more government window dressing that has caused local residents,
you know them as the people the BOS is supposed to be looking after, an
inordinate amount of grief since he was hired. This exchange was
followed by a rather indignant and angry diatribe by the local SEIU rep,
Norma Williams, who clearly does not understand that not all of her
“chosen ones” are up to the task they are being paid to accomplish.
There were a couple of “Scheduled Items” of note. The creation of a
rather dubious variance in the name of “more development” which very
likely will come back to haunt the County in the future. Retiring
Supervisor Hemmingsen made a rather weak effort to caution his fellow
supervisors who were not listening. Nor were they listening to the
neighbors of the aspiring property developer, who clearly has no
financial interest in complying with the stern warning of “I got my eye
on you if you don’t do as I say” by Supervisor Howard. Fat chance this
will work out to everyone’s satisfaction, but the property owner can be
assured of a nice up graded tax bill in the future.
The other item scheduled was a revisit of “vaping” primarily directed at
those not of age. I must admit that the presentation including an
anguish filled video was an attention grabber, if you didn’t mind all
the spin and deception. The narrative continued with statements by
those heavily invested in eradicating all forms of nicotine use
attributed to our school age children. Granted the tearful stoking of
we, as a Board, “must do something” was masterfully ginned up by that
bleeding heart, Supervisor Starkey, who apparently was oblivious to the
notion offered up by fellow Supervisor Darren Short that local youth can
acquire vaping products without utilizing any of the local businesses
directly and her proposal for an ordinance would accomplish nothing but
wasted time. I will not bother to spend time explaining that the youth
of the County probably do not care that local government wishes to
“level the playing field between them and ‘Big Tobacco'”. I suppose the
most troubling idea that seemed to escape most of the Board was the
concept of the youth being allowed their mistakes no matter what the
lesson learned, in order that they make a successful transition to
adulthood and constructive decision making without constant attention of
government meddling.
The balance of the meeting considered port-o-potties and trash bins on
South Beach, port-o-potties being approved, with some hesitation over
trash bins. Animal control was the final item, except for the one Chair
Hemmingsen forgot about, which is likely an effort by the Board to
remove Animal Control from the Agriculture Commissioner to Law
enforcement to legitimize Measure “R” expenditures for new staff.
Nothing gets by the “Brain Trust” that sits on our BOS, except maybe
they should have thought of it before they dreamed up Measure “R”.
All in all, perhaps better communication and listening skills would
better serve our Supervisors, but that is unlikely to happen any time
soon. Otherwise, the approval score card remains unblemished for this
Board with no hint that government will not continue to grow at least
until that point in time where all wallets in the County have been
sucked dry by those meant to represent us beneficially.