Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

By Roger Gitlin – EYE ON DEL NORTE – November 29, 2021

Public Health Officer Aaron Stutz needs to be removed from his position, immediately.

And while he’s exiting, take along 4th District Del Norte Unified School Board member Charlaine Mazzei, a Board member who was NEVER elected by the voters but was appointed to the Board to fill a vacancy.

School Board member, Charlaine Mazzei

I had the opportunity to view the recent DNUSD Board meeting and its lengthy discussion on masking kids matriculating through Del Norte County schools. What a farce!

The Board has lost its way and its sheeple loyalty to Dr. Stutz is shocking and devoid of any common sense. Mandating the masking of our kids is irresponsible and counter-productive. There are zero cases of Covid19 among our DN youth.

Leading the rabid pack of Vaxers and Maskers is Mazzei.

Her feigned concern for the health and safety of DNUSD students is eclipsed by the huge Del Norte County void and abysmal test scores in Math and Language Arts in California. Del Norte County is near the very bottom of the testing the almost-one thousand school districts in the State.

This Board, including Ms. Mazzei appears deaf, dumb and blind to the fact the DNUSD is not educating its children; that is factual and shameful!!

This Board of Education is unable to prioritize what is important for these children and the parents who entrust their kids to this sub-standard Public Education, allowing highly questionable and inappropriate sexually related curricula being taught in our students and purchasing at public expense, buildings which will be exempt from property taxes.

According to the Covid19 Information Hub, there are a few new cases of the Virus, ZERO hospitalizations and ZERO new deaths attributed to the Virus in the last three months. Yet, the good Dr. Stutz, Czar, part-time Emergency Room Dr. At Sutter Coast, part-time Public Health Officer, resident of Siskiyou County where he also serves as that County’s part-time PHO, mandates continued masking for DN kids. Is it no wonder a thousand school-age kids are no longer enrolled in Del Norte schools?

Our School Board is bereft of leadership and understanding of the roles each was elected to serve and has lost its way.

And watching the taped meeting, I observe a growing number of very disgruntled parents.

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