Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Opinion by Samuel Strait – July 27, 2022

Of course this is “just my opinion” not to be construed or mistaken as
anything anyone should pay much attention to, yet the recent
“Challenge” by Del Norte Employees Association President, Norma
is one of many of her regular sermons on the unquestionable
merits of her flock.  I use the term “flock” as it seems most
appropriate in describing the almost “cult like” and faithful
expectations of “president” Williams in adhering to her religion as a
matter of “faith” rather than anything remotely relating to “substance”.

Norma Williams

Ms. Williams, pardon the derogatory nature of the honorific in advance,
from the lofty pulpit of her near unassailable perch as a County
employee at Health and Human Services with the meager compensation of,
at least in 2020, near $80,000 total, has the temerity of excluding much
of the population of Del Norte County as to the merits of retaining
Measure “R” as a benefit to the entire community and not, just, the
employees of the County. While I admire her for her perseverance in
asking for her faithful flock to support her efforts in carving out a
two tiered society here in Del Norte County, the haves and the have
nots, I wish to point out that her flock, generally speaking is doing
rather well comparatively in this continuing effort by the balance of
the local citizenry to put gas in their fuel tanks, food on the table,
and a roof over their heads.

It is this “faith” blindness that governance is the “best” vehicle for
the average person without any consideration for the very basic
differences in individual circumstance that infects those in government
and their perceptions as to what is best for not only those that are
employed by government, but those that are not.  This elitist philosophy
on full display in every one of Ms. William’s Board room sermons serves
to highlight the very disconnect between those government is meant “to
serve” and those that are cocooned in the relative “safety” of
government service.

This is not meant to disparage those that have chosen to be in the
service of the public, but as a counter to the expectation of dutifully
following those in Ms. Williams church of union expectations.  I
understand that not all of the County’s employees are compensated to the
extent of Ms. Williams and may find that the $4,000,000 taken from the
pockets of everyone in the County, sometimes more than once, is a
concern for them as well.  Frankly, insuring the needs of a growing
government at an ever escalating cost is not an idea that was ever
considered when Measure “R” was passed by those in the public.  It is
also something that no one thought a well advertised campaign of
portraying a poverty stricken government would somehow transform itself
into one that could hire multiple well paid “new” employees and provide
for a generous package of raises to all employees, in a community where
the balance of the citizenry do not have any expectation of their lives
getting any better, at least financially.

While I do not anticipate nor expect these few words will in any way
mute President of the Employees Union for the County, Norma Williams, it
is my hope that those not in thrall with her professed religion will
think beyond her “perceived” benefits to employees in the County and
think of those whose lives have been negatively impacted by both Measure
“R” and “S”, and struggled to make ends meet as each level of governance
has been responsible for the increased inability for the public to meet
basic needs.  This should not be about “what is in it for me”, but “what
is in it for those you profess to serve”.  Are you listening Ms. Williams?

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