Wed. Jan 15th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – February 13, 2017 – Supervisor 5th District, Bob Berkowitz announces…. Big name change. From “No Name Group” to “It’s Your Turn” to “The Daily Townhall Meeting.”  I don’t think anyone took a breath during the ensuing 60 minutes while facts and opinions and plans went flying around the table this morning.

Biggest and most important, LAST CHANGE GRADE:

Supervisor 3rd District and Chair of the Board of Supervisors (BOS), Chris Howard did not put Last Chance Grade on the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting due to take place February 14th at the Flynn Center. He’s in Japan at our sister city until Thursday.

Bob Berkowitz plans on revealing his plan.  He states that his plan needs to be discussed and action taken because plans for infrastructure are going before Governor Brown and if we don’t get our in quickly, we won’t be considered.

40 years the ball has been dropped on Last Chance Grade. Isn’t it time to pick up that ball and run with it? Chair Howard wants to wait 2 more weeks for the next BOS meeting. Berkowitz states that will be too long and we’ll lose our opportunity.  So he plans on asking for making this an emergency item.

Next up, SB 54:

Tehama County passed their resolution  by a 3-0-2 vote to Oppose turning California into a Sanctuary State. It means 3 voted for the resolution. No one opposed, but 2 abstained from voting. Discussion on SB54 is item #30 on the BOS agenda.  Jaime Yarbrough brought up that if SB 54 succeeds, people involved with the State of Jefferson may run a blockade up Interstate 5 freeway. … they did it 50 years ago with checkpoints and guns.

The Sacramento Parking Meter Scam:

Bob Berkowitz got a parking ticket for $45 in Sacramento.  It was dark.  It was rainy.  He couldn’t see the parking meter and put four quarters in just to be covered. That wasn’t enough.  He’s going to fight the ticket. It seems that the City put in “Smart Meters” that are supposed to sense when a car shows up and when it leave.  Apparently a lot of visistors are getting tickets because the meters are malfunctioning. An article about just that subject is in the Sacramento Bee  written by Tony Bizjak.  He offers advice of calling 311 for the City’s help line or going on the City’s website by googling Sacramento parking meter. Then go to Parking Citation Services and lastly go to Citation Contest. You have 21 days to contest the citation.

Hotel Taxes in Sacramento:

How creative government can be when they want more tax revenues.  On top of a transient occupancy tax of 15%, there’s a resort fee and sales tax.  Yikes!  Why can’t government create more jobs?

Next up, School Board and teachers vs kids vs unions, etc.

At almost $12,000 per child coming in to “educate our kids” the consensus was that the School Board with the exception of maybe one board member are leaning towards supporting teachers over children’s education. Quick discussion of Becky DeVos and school vouchers for private schools. I know from personal experience that my two oldest kids got a better education in private schools than my youngest daughter who attended public schools.

However, as a mother, she home schooled her kids and her two oldest were on the Deans List in college.

Roger Gitlin praised new School Superintendent, Jeff Harris  – thinks he’s doing a good job and his emphasis is on the kids unlike Jan Moorehouse who wanted everyone to be on track to go to college.  A lofty goal, but not everyone is suited for college.  Trade schools are more suited to some students.

Roger White mentioned that when he was in school, he took five years of Latin.  But when he applied to Berkeley, they changed the requirements and no longer gave him credit for Latin.

Steel plate on Harding for 5 years and other messes around town.

Jaime asked why a steel plate would be on the road for five years.  Are they waiting for it to rust out?  Roger Gitlin said he would check on it.  I asked why there is still black plastic and a mound of dirt on 9th and J St where the Camelot Motel used to be before it was burned down.  It’s because the soil was contaminated, I’m told.  Geez.  That sounds healthy.  And there’s a trailer and car parked on McNamera Street back again at an abandoned structure. Appears that one can park on private property for 14 days at a time with owner’s permission.

Shopping Carts, Boston Tea Party, Alexander Dairies and good bye’s.

Quick discussion on shopping carts left around town and if you put a bounty on them to be returned, then people will take them on purpose just to collect the bounty.  There was a segment on 60 Minutes about a guy that did that.

Reminder about taxes and revolts – Boston Tea Party took place for adding 3 cents to the tea tax.

Wondering why Alexander Dairies is delinquent in their property tax bill? Roger Gitlin reminded the group about having five years to pay it off.

And we’re off for the rest of the day.

The public is invited to join Bob Berkowitz from 6 am to 7 am.






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