Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

By Assemblyman Kevin Kiley – July 25, 2022

Momentum is building against LA’s outrageous new mask mandate. This could be a turning point.
The county’s “Public Health” Director, Barbara Ferrer, is intent on plowing ahead with the mandate. But the Board of Supervisors can block her diktat at tomorrow’s meeting. You can submit a public comment on Item #2 here.

This matters for all Californians: Whenever LA does something insane related to COVID, Newsom is not far behind with a statewide order.

Since announcing the mandate, Ferrer has been contradicted by LA’s own hospitals about COVID numbers and exposed for relying on a mask “study” authored by her own daughterShe was also caught mixing masklessly – indeed jubilantly – with 70,000 baseball fans.

As bad as Ferrer is, her quackery is enabled by elected officials. Newsom and the Legislature have maintained the State of Emergency; the Board of Supervisors has let Ferrer keep her job and rubber stamped her orders – until, perhaps, tomorrow.

In Placer County, we did replace our Public Health Director. The new director focused on disease control rather than population control – protecting the vulnerable while citizens made their own decisions. The result: a COVID mortality rate half that of Ferrer’s LA.

Fauci and imitators like Ferrer have nurtured a cult of personality meant to overpower all else: common sense, actual science, the Constitution itself. Tomorrow is our best chance yet to cut them down to size and bring this era of government control to an end.

Support my efforts to end all mandates
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