Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

By Donna Westfall


Several of us joined Kelley Nolan, head honcho of the gleaning group, pick turnips and green beans at an abundant home garden off Parkway in Crescent City.

The turnips were baseball size and larger.  Five, then six, then seven bags filled to the brim were then taken over to Our Daily Bread Ministries.  They continue to cook dinner and serve free of charge Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays week in and week out.  They are located at 1125 Harold Street and doors open at 6 pm. During the summer months they get an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables and diners can always count on fresh salad and a tasty hot dish.

green beans

If you have fruit trees, or tomatoes, or any other edible that is more than your family, friends and neighbors can consume, please call Kelley and arrange a date and time for gleaners to pick, then spread it around to those in need.

Kelley Nolan can be reached at (707) 954-0212. Give her a call. In the past, recipients of gleaned fruits and vegetables have been churches, other non-profits in the area, Harrington House and families in need.

There’s no need to allow good fresh produce go to waste and rot on the ground. Not when you have willing volunteers to do the job and spread the bounty.

Here’s a hint about turnips.  They tend to be a little bitter, so always add a little sweetener; honey, sugar or equivalent.

One thought on “The Importance of Gleaning”
  1. This is for Kelley Nolan from Marihelen:

    I received your phone message, left it at the Chetco Activity (senior) Center (CAC) in Brookings, forgot it the next week, but brought it home with me today !

    The Family Caregiver Support Group, which I started when I needed one over ten years ago, is held at CAC upstairs on the SECOND Monday of each month at 2 p.m.. Every other month we have a speaker dealing with some area of interest to family caregivers; then the other months we have an open support group. On May 14th a speaker from the Alzheimer’s Association will talk with us about Understanding and Responding to Dementia Related Behavior.

    Another type of presentation will be TOMORROW at 9 a.m. until Noon at CAC downstairs for family caregivers from a speaker with phenomenal information from Teepa Snow, an awesome lady. Sorry this is so late !

    Gratefully, Marihelen

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