Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – November 14, 2017 – 32 miles from Crescent City, up into the wilderness that makes up Gasquet, lies the 40 acres compound known as Bar O Boys Ranch.  For over six decades at- risk boys were placed there from various parts of the State.

For a historical look at the Ranch, you can listen to Ernie Bachelor’s story on about taking a job there 58 years ago that is both humorous and factual.  His narrative runs about 17 minutes specially the part about the mountain lions providing security.  They would see paw prints in the sand by the Smith River, hear their screams at night and runaways were not a problem.

At the August 8, 2017 Board of Supervisors meeting, (BOS) the decision was made to shut down Bar O.  Just when you thought the Ranch was closing or closed, it appeared on the BOS agenda today’s date.  According to Chief Probation Officer, Lonnie Reyman, the closure of the facility was effective in September. The one remaining item was in regards to Napa County.  They had to clean up “documentation and billing for both of our counties so that we have all the necessary pieces in place to close out billing for past Napa county youth housed at Bar-O. There was some bookkeeping that had to be finalized and that’s it.”

Employees were provided layoff notices.  While working with the union, seven employees were transferred to Juvenile Hall Division.  Some retired, some resigned and only two were laid off.

As to the future, Reyman said, ” County administration and building maintenance are currently overseeing the facility and any future use.”



28 thoughts on “The latest with Bar O Boys Ranch”
  1. My story at Bar-O is quite different than most since while there I met my future wife. I thought that would get your attention, now let me explain from the beginning. My brother and I were sent to Bar-O in May of 1975 for trouble we got into in Napa. When I was sent there I was given a white shirt which at the time it meant I was an indefinite which means I didn’t have a definite date for leaving. My brother was given a blue shirt which meant at the time meant he was there by court order for sixty days. The first six week I was there I followed the rules and stayed out of trouble as I should have. Because I stayed out of trouble I was offered an opportunity along with five or six other boys to go to what they called the Annex which was at the Rowdy Creek Creek fish hatchery project that was under construction in Smith River. While there we did volunteer work to get the hatchery built. We also did other volunteer work at the fair grounds during the county fair. My job there at the fish hatchery was working in the project Director’s office doing clerical work since I knew a little about typing. During that time I was there a 15 year old girl use to walk by the office frequently on her way to the post office and the grocery store down the street. She came by every day and we would talk for a few minutes. This went on for the whole summer. We got to know each other rather well and a romance blossomed. One of the privileges for being at the Annex and working at the fish hatchery was going to Del Norte High school with the local kids in the fall when school started. My new found girlfriend and I continued our relationship while at the high school for the remainder of the time I was there, meeting in between classes whenever we could. In October of that year my time at Bar-O was up and I had to go back to Napa. We parted ways and I didn’t see her again for forty years. We reconnected on and after forty years, even though both of were married to different people I traveled to Smith River where she still lived and paid her a short visit to chat for a hour before continuing my travels to visit the Bar-O Ranch and continue into Oregon. We exchanged information and I sent her a birthday wish almost every year for the next nine and a half years. In the mean time during those nine and a half years I went through a divorce and was single again. Well, last year I sent her a birthday wish by text message like I had been for most of the previous years, and she informed me that her husband had passed away almost five months before. We continued to talk by phone for the next five months and picked up where we had left off almost fifty years before. During those five months while talking we lived on opposite sides of the country, me in Florida and her still in Smith River. To make a long story shorter we got married on Christmas Eve of last year (2024). After almost 50 year being apart we were finally together. I can probably say I was the only boy at Bar-O to have a girlfriend while there, and then marry her years almost fifty years later.
    My time at Bar-O, as you can see was quite unusual. I enjoyed my time there and went back to visit on a few occasions over the years. When I was there Alan Smith was my counselor on night shift when I was still at the main ranch. He spent his time studying all night working on his degree. He was probably five or six years older than me at the time. I benefited from Bar-O in more than one way. The ranch taught me a lot that kept me out of trouble in my adult life and it enabled me to meet my soulmate that I’m happily married to now. I have been wanting to tell my story to Alan Smith but I have no idea where he’s at or if he’s even still alive. If anyone has contact with him pass this story along.

  2. I agree with WTF’s comments regarding social engineering. Baby Boomers on down are generally failing us as a society. Baby Boomers raised children that lack respect, work ethic, and pride.
    If we are indeed going to bring industry and manual labor back to our country, who is going to do it?
    There needs to be some type of government task force to develop solutions. There will have to be some pain, unfortunately.

  3. Hi, I’m the former Mrs. Nunneley. I was Laundry Lady in 1973 and then Taught Remedial Math & Remedial English and Photography, until I had to quit to have my baby in 1976.
    The Bar-O was a special place. I feel it was so beneficial to all the boys there. It’s a shame it has been bypassed for a nonworkable system.

    1. I remember you. You and your husband both taught classes there at Bar-O. I remember you and your husband were building a cabin or house somewhere near in the mountains back then. I had forgotten your last name until I saw your post here. I just posted my unusual story about my time at Bar-O and meeting my future during my time there while working at the Rowdy Creek fish hatchery. If you still have contact with Alan Smith ask him to read about my experience at Bar-O that’s posted here.
      I hope you’re doing well. Do you still live in Del Norte county?

      1. I know I’m replying to my own post here, but since there doesn’t appear to be any way to edit a post here, I thought I would post this correction to the above post I made. The correction is, after the word future should have been wife, as in future wife.

  4. This camp killed my 15 year old brother Benjamin Lucchesi 2000. I’m more than happy is permanently closed.

  5. Bar O Ranch taught me enough to become a positive contributing member of society!
    I am 78 Years old ( At 15 I didn’t think I would live to see 21)
    I am on the Child, Parent Institute Board of directors (over 7 years)
    addressing Violence in the home,
    my Mother was a single working parent when I was 7 she remarried and we moved from Santa Rosa into a family that comprised of a working widowed father, a 4 year older brother, and 2 year older sister.
    My mother became a “stay at home mom), now with time on her hands she started to drink and beat me with fist’s and what ever was close by. I found her stashes when I was ten and started to pilfer a glass a day I became incorrigible, fighting, stealing, braking curfew where I first met the towns police chief who took me under his wing and after returning from Bar O I was suspended from high school so he had brought into the station and painted a bleak picture of me at lose ends walking the streets getting in trouble and returning to Juvenal hall again he said I should talk to some military recruiters, I did and when they called him to check on my police record, he said I had none. about 1 month after turning 17 I was in Navy Boot Camp my third duty station was the APA212 Montrose stationed out of San Diego, we saw duty in Viet Nam at which time I was transferred to the LST 1157 Terrell County stationed out of Yokosuka Japan. how ever she spent most of the time delivering Troops, their equipment and supplies up and down the unimproved beaches of south Viet Nam.
    Upon my severance (Honorable) from the navy I went to Montana for heavy equipment driving school, however apron graduating I was out of money I got a job with a circus playing in the town
    that job lasted from about 1967 to 1968 I got married in 1969
    1971 I opened a Waterbed store (chain) 3 locations and a manufacturing plant,
    sold out in 82 retired however started a Telecommunications business in 1988 retiring in 2018
    belong to Rotary for over 20 years
    I currently do Yoga every day and practice Tai Chi 3 times a week and I garden

  6. Bar O Bunky #29 1976/77 aka Steven Fowler.
    I was wondering where to or how to post pictures of when I was there. I have a few from taking photography class from Mrs Nunly. It was full when I was there, 56 at its peak, here are some of the fellow bunkies I can remember:
    Simon, Daniel’s, Neva, Cooley, Waggoner brothers, Beebe, Talmadge, Roush, Thomas,

  7. My family Built the Original Ranch, 7 M Ranch it was called. My Brother and Dad Built this up into a Ranch, from a Wells Fargo Stage Stop. George Washington was Buried on the side of a Hill. My Dad Created a Dude Ranch for our friends in Los Angeles. We had a lot of Fun and Education living and learning how to Ranch. Our Foreman, Roy and I, skinned a Big Black Bear we had To kill or loose our Horses, Cows, etc. I’m 81 now, was 10 when we lived at Ranch. Great memories. My Brother and I visited Bar O several Years ago. We were glad to see it being used for good . Hope it Survives the Fire. Bob Maxwell

  8. My name is Dimitri Kafantaris. I was in Bar O Boy’s Camp the entire year of ’86. Mr. Rusty, Mr. Smith, Mr. Silver, Mr.Peterson, Mr. Pedersen Mr. Bob , Mr. Greener were the counselors I remember. That place saved my life and if I could of ended up being a counselor, that’s exactly where I would of wanted to work. Whoever was in charge of making the decision to close it down obviously has no clue of how great of a place Bar O was for changing people’s lives for the better.

    1. I was in Bar O back in 86-88. Mr Peterson was my counselor.I was a troubled teen raised by my mom, always in trouble. Bar O was a great place a summer camp, well structured strict rules ..I wish it was around still I started the fish hatchery there raising salmon. Teens need these types of programs not halls, jails or prisons ..I would love to work at Bar O even though I have a criminal record I changed my life around and live crime free ..

  9. I went to bar o back in 2005 or 2006 but I wasnt there long I ran the first month I was there and got caught 23 miles down the road going to crescent city and went to juvi there for a couple weeks then went back to bar o but ran a second time …the second time I ran tho I made it back to susanville ca and was hiding for 2 weeks before the cops found me and I ended up going to preston youth correctional facility until I turned 19 ….the cool thing I liked about bar o was the swimming in the smith river ….one of the staff there mr s he would take us swimming and running all over those mountains we went and hiked trails and seen black bears and all kinds of fun amazing things …bar o was differnt from any other place I went to and I think california needed more places like that than to be locked up in cya cuz all cya did was make u more of a criminal

  10. I was in bar o for some time in my ten age years . A few years later I went to prison and did some time their as well. However allow me to say this. I walked through there last week and finally realized why I love my freedom. It was Bar o because I was free when I was their. I feel in love with the outdoors. I also found a few personal things that I made for my mom with my name on it. So I took those . It’s a shame it got shut down because this place right here is one that actually helps you not makes it worse

  11. Hello, my name is Michael S. I was sent to Bar-O-Boys Camp in 1980, I was 16 years old and i was very much a handful. This was the last stop for me before i got sent to California Youth Authority. I was not very happy to have to go there. I was not on a very good path. The Camp was very structured, You went to school everyday, then you had chores that you needed to complete. You worked on your school work as needed. Made your bed and followed simple rules, if you did not you lost privileges. The program worked on a three stage program that used shirt color to signify what stage you were on. First you were a white shirt, then a blue shirt, then a green shirt. Each shirt demanded certain accountabilities, if you got into major trouble you could lose your shirt and go backwards within this program. I almost forgot about the physical obstacle course that you had to make it through. You were held accountable for your actions, had to show respect, follow the rules. We went to church every Sunday and on special occasions we were allowed to the show house in Crescent City. What a treat that was. All of the counselors were very humbling and kind. One counselor was named ‘POPS” his wife was also the cook. He used to tell misbehaving kids to be “NICE” I was there for 4 months and four days. The program taught you to be accountable for your actions and also that there will be consequences for bad behaviors. It’s sad to see such a good thing end. I think that we need many many more of these types of programs. Locking kids up creates a revolving door in and out of jails and prisons. I know that we can do better.
    Respectfully, Michael S.

  12. Bar O Boys ranch was my home for 11 months. Steven Justice was the administrator of the ranch at that time. Alan Smith became administrator shortly after my arrival. The curriculum and disciplined teachings of Bar O, to me are to this day. Bar none, the best. Joseph A. Smith

  13. My name is Jimmy Isgrigg I was at bar o back in 1975 it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Great program awesome experience beautiful location. I learned a lot

  14. Wow WTF your lack of understanding is well is lacking. Your a joke and are clueless, out of touch with life in general. Don’t make senseless comments if you don’t know what you are talking about.

    1. If you know more, why don’t you put down some facts instead of making nonsensical comments? Where is there a lack of understanding?
      Clueless about what? What are the facts that you know?

      1. I was responding to a comment the WTF made not the article, he had made some really negative comments about BarO that I don’t see anymore. This place was a game changer for me! BarO corrected my path changed my thought process and created a humbled person. I agree somewhat with WTF that the responsibility belongs with parents but programs like this are a necessity for young men to get the direction they aren’t getting from home. Thank you BarO and all of the counselors MR Smith, MR Greener, so many people that worked there when I was there I don’t remember MR Appell for everything you did for me!!!!

  15. Frederic Voss

    In 1958 I was in Bar-O. Stayed there about 7-8 months then was send back to Sacramento for some more rigamarole. Bar-O was by far the best of the places I frequented as a youth. Staff was straight forward and fair, food was good; there was not any hot water when the first of us got there, but there there was no school teachers either, so things balanced out nicely.
    Funny, I called Bar-O earlier this evening and a guy with a strong Asian-Indian ascent blubbered on about something. I heard a lot of shouting in the background, sounded like guys having a good time. I hung up. Are you sure the place is closed?

  16. This is sad. I had no idea Bar O Boys ranch was closed. This is one of if not the best juvenile program in the state. I was there back in the mid 90’s. The program along with it’s great counselors is the reason why I am successful today. These people truly turned my life around. I can’t believe there wasn’t a way to save this program.


  17. I must have missed something here. What are the reasons why it was closed down and where did all of the inmates go?

    1. In August of this year, there were only 3 boys remaining. The County was running a deficit keeping the Ranch open. The State put in new models on how to deal with juvenile corrections. Bar O became obsolete.

      1. Nicolas asked (WHY? NOT YOUR OPINION, WTF) If you must know other counties stopped sending their juvenile delinquents here and the money to house the boys disappeared. These counties either send to California youth authority or group home. All to supposedly save a couple bucks. And the boys now Will be through the revolving door forever, when they’d been successful after leaving there. I KNOW. IT’S SAVED MY LIFE.

        1. Hi Gasquet:

          I will equate the juvenile delinquency problem, to adult criminals (some will get there some day). There is not enough space to house them. It’s that simple. That was the determination made by the State. What is the core problem? Bad parenting, I’m sorry to say. Parents who don’t care, parents who don’t communicate with their children, parents that have decided they don’t have time to raise their children. That is not opinion, sadly, that is fact.

          It does not mean that we ignore it and hope like hell it goes away, however. Let’s try and get “performance measures” that require parents to participate at school with their kids. Let’s mandate parenting classes for those feeling overwhelmed. Let’s set down the smart phones and computer games for a spell and communicate with our kids. If we don’t get going now, we’ll self-distruct.

          Based on high school drop-out rates, increases in CPS caseloads, illiteracy, drug abuse, homelessness- we know that throwing government money in the wrong directions will not solve it. Or am I wrong?

          I’m very glad that you were able to turn your life around. I hope you are serving as an example for others.

  18. It truly is a shame that Bar-O was closed. That being said, we continue to put band-aids on a lack of responsible parenting. At some point, we (Government) are going to have to social-engineer to make dead-beat parents more accountable. The school drop-out rates, lack of reading ability and speaking skills should not happen in a civilized society. It will all hit the fan at some point.

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