Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – September 13, 2021

The next hearing, originally set for this Tuesday September 14th, has been rescheduled for January 18, 2022.

For over 44 years, Crescent City added fluoride to the drinking water thinking it was safe and effective for all because it could prevent tooth decay. Fortunately, by 2012, enough of the citizenry was educated to denounce this practice and voted in a moratorium to turn the spigot off.

However, in today’s news; 70th Human Study Links Fluoride to Babies’ Neurological Damage, Funded by NIH.

New York – September  13, 2021 — Fluoride from foods and beverages consumed during pregnancy is associated with lower cognitive neurodevelopment in boy babies, even when fluoride is ingested at recommended levels, report researchers Cantoral et al. in Neurotoxicology (online August 2021) and funded by the US National Institutes of Health, reports New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF).

This is the 70th human study to show neurodevelopmental damage from fluoride in utero. The other 69 are listed here, specifically linking fluoride to lower IQ. Few know that fluoride, besides being added to many public water supplies, is in foods and beverages at varying and inconsistent levels – either naturally or from fluoridated pesticides; fluoridated water used in processing; feed regimen of animal products; food storage containers (Teflon-coated containers); and food packaging (migration of perfluorochemicals into food). There is no dispute that too much fluoride is health-harming.

“Specifically, a 0.5 mg increase in dietary fluoride intake during the third trimester and across pregnancy was associated with a 3.10-points and 3.46-point lower cognitive score in boys, respectively,” reports Cantoral’s team.
“Fluoride is not an essential nutrient and…fluoride ingestion in pregnancy does not strengthen enamel during tooth formation in the fetus but has been associated with increased risk of neurotoxicity, even at optimal exposure levels,” they write.


Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), a group of non-profits and individuals petitioned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to end the addition of fluoridation chemicals into drinking water due to fluoride’s neurotoxicity. Case Number: Civ. No. 17-CV-02162-EMC was slated for a two week trial beginning in June 2020. It is currently going into it’s second year.

Groups: Fluoride Action NetworkFood and Water WatchMoms Against Fluoridation
Individuals: Audrey Adams, a resident of Renton, Washington (individually and on behalf of her son); Kristin Lavelle, a resident of Berkeley, California (individually and on behalf of her son); Brenda Staudenmaier, a resident of Green Bay, Wisconsin (individually and on behalf of her children).

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Jill Jennings-McElheney is a mother. Her pleas have been ignored by the EPA year after year after year. In her letter to the EPA today’s date she writes:

“As the whistleblower hearing of pediatric environmental health physician, Dr. Ruth Etzel, gets underway today, please be reminded of the fallout to expectant mothers and their children from the systemic corruption of EPA.   

We represent the faces behind this life altering corruption of EPA. 

Dr. Etzel issued a pre-hearing statement to journalist, Carey Gillam, which was published in The Guardian yesterday.   As long time editor of The Pediatric Green Book, Dr. Etzel calls this harm done by EPA to children “irreparable.”  
This “irreparable“ harm by exposure to neurotoxicants was also identified by global pediatric environmental health expert, Dr. Philippe Grandjean.  He made it clear in published research a “silent pandemic” was occurring to our children.  This silent pandemic continues to be exacerbated by corruption within EPA. 

After four additional whistleblowers also came forward in early July under your watch, revealing management corruption that harmed expectant mothers and their children, neither you nor your staff have responded to me.  

As a victim of an environmental crime, I came to you and your staff to address this green crime that occurred to my family and neighbors when we resided in an environmental justice community in Athens, GA, just mere minutes from The University of Georgia.  My expectation was that under your leadership of the new Biden administration that actionable steps would be taken to acknowledge and address victims of environmental corruption and crime. 

You and your staff’s silence is uncomfortable and unacceptable on this “irreparable harm.”  Victims rights have not been extended to me nor those families who have and continue to be violated by EPA corruption. 

I look forward to hearing what Dr. Etzel has to say today.   I hope you will be moved to respond to the green crime that has and is occurring to expectant mothers and their children from the systemic corruption of EPA.”  

To follow the trial process, go to The next status hearing will be on September 14, 2021, at 2:30 pm (Pacific Coast).

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