Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

     Last week, Philomath, Oregon’s city council voted 6-1 to end fluoridation.  Well, the momentum continues to build as another North American community has ended the fluoridation of its drinking water.  On Monday, the city council of

 Spring Hill, Tennessee UNAMIOUSLY REJECTED FLUORIDATION due to the cost ($20,000 a year) and cncerns raised about the health risks associated with ingesting fluoride.

     Crescent City, California currently spends $29,500 a year (to add hydrofluosilicic acid and to test it), a toxic industrial waste product.  $17,000 is paid each year (up from $10,000 two years ago) to purchase the product.  $12,500 a year is paid to test the product on a daily basis.  One would think that the savings to the budget alone would be reason enough to stop this practice.


    On August 13th, we reported about the lawsuit filed in Federal Court against Metropolitan Water District (MWD) serves some 17 million Southern California consumers.  In addition to that lawsuit, another one was filed in Clallam County, Washington.  And a third was filed in Gallatin, Tennessee.

      The second lawsuit notes that the fluoride chemicals being used matched the definition for prescription drugs.  The suit alleges that the cities lacked the necessary permits for dispensing these drugs.

      The third lawsuit was filed by an individual, Patrick Reeners on July 19, 2011.  This suit is against the American Dental Association (ADA), and the complaint was served on the organization’s President, Dr. Raymond Gist, DDSThe charge is fraud, false advertising and willful harm.

     Reeners believes the promotion of water fluoridation as "safe and effective" was never approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  He believes the ADA makes this claim while failing to recognie and faily report on harmful cumulative contributions of fluoride from multiple non-water souces of fluoride.

     Reeners believes that fluoride is portrayed on the ADA’s website as a totally desirable and harmless means of preventing tooth decay.  In particular, Reeners believes that the fluoride additive is promoted as if drinking water provided an appropriate dosage, which might be true if you could control total water consumption.  However, people also ingest significant doses of fluoride from many other sources such as food, beverages, dental products, and medication.  The suit alleges that the general public is ill-informed of the amounts of luoride on or in most of these products.  For example, brewed black tea reportedly tested at more than three parts per million (ppm) fluoride, three times the one ppm of fluoridated drinking water. (NOTE:  EPA reported earlier this year that 41% of American’s youth had dental fluorosis and recommended reducting the amount in water to .7 ppm which was done in Crescent City effectively sometime in the Spring of 2011).  White grape guice was reported at 2.7 ppm (EPA report #820-R-10-015 Dec. 2010, page 26).

     Despite numerous warnings, evidence of test data, DVD"s and more presented to the Crescent City, City Council over the lst 3 years,  the majority are still of the belief that fluoride is safe and effective.  An initiative to remove the product called hydrofluosilicic acid will begin in September, 2011.  Dr. Paul Connett of the Fluoride Action Network has agreed to speak in Crescent City.  The date is still to be firmed up.





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