Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

By Kevin Kiley – November 14, 2022

I write to you from Washington, D.C., where the Committee on House Administration has summoned me for mandatory orientation for new Members of Congress.

Yet I still have not been declared Congressman-elect. In fact, little has changed since Election Day: 25,000 more votes are in, and our lead remains at 6 percent. Incredibly, around 160,000 more votes remain to be counted.

While California takes a month to count ballots, Florida takes a day. And it’s not just Florida: nearly every other state is done counting. As with our roads, schools, and so much more, the performance of California’s government is uniquely inept.

As a result, the nation’s entire balance of power remains uncertain. Currently, 212 seats in the House have been called for Republicans, and 204 seats for Democrats. A total of 218 is needed for the Majority – and it’s looking quite possible ours could be the race that secures it.

While 160,000 remaining ballots is a huge number, we have good reason to believe they will be favorable. Those votes come disproportionately from our stronger counties. And in the Primary we did better in the late-counted ballots than the early ones.

Small updates are expected today, followed by larger ones tomorrow. Meanwhile, at orientation this morning, Speaker Nancy Pelosi welcomed the incoming Members. It looks increasingly likely it will be her last time doing so.


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