Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

By Carol DeMaio – June 4, 2024

This is a bit detailed in the beginning, but it is absolutely CRUCIAL that you read it and understand what the Democrat Super-Majority is doing right now in California’s State Legislature. Here’s what is happening – and how we need your help to fight back:

On the heels of the sham prosecutions against Trump, CA Democrats are now abusing their power by retaliating against their political opponents and silencing minority voices in the legislature!

SILENCING YOUR VOICE: Last week, Assembly Democrats cut off the microphones of Assembly Republicans when they made a simple motion on the Assembly floor to force a vote on a bill that would allow state law enforcement to cooperate with border patrol to deport any illegal immigrants who are found guilty as child predators. 

REMOVING THE FIGHTERS:  Then the Democrat Assembly Speaker announced he – not the Republican minority leader – will be the one to decide which Republicans get assigned to which committees. He then removed the Republican who made the motion on the child predator bill from the Judiciary Committee as a punishment! 

PROMOTING THE SELLOUTS: If we allow this to stand, Democrats are laying the groundwork so they will only assign RINOs and SELLOUTS as “rewards” for playing nice and capitulating. NO FIGHTERS will get any meaningful committee assignments going forward. 


CONTRIBUTE: Support the Fight to Reform California

Reform California is mobilizing a rapid-response campaign to fight this outrageous abuse of power by CA Democrats. Here’s what we plan to do:

  • SUPPORT THE BOYCOTT: To their credit, the Assembly Republican Leader condemned the moves above – and this morning Assembly Republicans boycotted the committee meeting. We need them to continue their boycott until Republicans get back their right to pick their members of each committee.
  • PUNISH THE DEMOCRATS: We need to show Assembly Democrats that their abuse of power will backfire. The best way to do that is for us to blow this issue up in the media to shame them – but also raise a TON OF CONTRIBUTIONS over this controversy and use it to flip target seats in November!

Carl DeMaio is Chairman of Reform California

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