Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Commentary and Opinion By Donna Westfall – March 12, 2023 – Credit to Dr. Naomi Wolf for granting permission to quote her apology on her online “Outspoken” column

Thank you House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy for releasing the “raw footage” to Tucker Carlson.

Than you Tucker Carlson for airing the “raw footage” from Jan 6.

Thank you Fox News for having Tucker Carlson host his nightly political talk show since 2016.

The truth is finally coming out.

What better way to realize we’ve been lied to than reading journalist Dr. Naomi Wolf who had the chutzpah to write up a formal apology March 9 in her online column, “Outspoken.”

Dr. Naomi Wolf

She starts out with, “Dear Conservatives, I Apologize

There is no way to avoid this moment. The formal letter of apology. From me. To Conservatives and to those who “put America first” everywhere.

It’s tempting to sweep this confrontation with my own gullibility under the rug — to “move on” without ever acknowledging that I was duped, and that as a result I made mistakes in judgement, and that these mistakes, multiplied by the tens of thousands and millions on the part of people just like me, hurt millions of other people like you all, in existential ways.

The proximate cause of this letter of apology is the airing, two nights ago, of excepts from tens of thousands of hours of security camera footage from the United States Capitol taken on Jan 6, 2021. The footage was released by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson [].

While “fact-checkers” state that it is “misinformation” to claim that Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Capitol Police on that day [], the fact is that the USCP is under the oversight of Congress, according to — the United States Capitol Police: [].

This would be the same Congress that convened the January 6 Committee subsequently, and that used millions of dollars in taxpayer money to turn that horrible day, and that tragic event, into a message point that would be used to tar a former President as a would-be terrorist, and to smear all Republicans, by association, as “insurrectionists,” or as insurrectionists’ sympathizers and fellow-travelers.

There is no way to unsee Officer Brian Sicknick, claimed by some Democrats in leadership and by most of the legacy media to have been killed by rioters at the Capitol that day, alive in at least one section of the newly released video. The USCP medical examiner states that this Officer died of “natural causes,” but also that he died “in the line of duty.” Whatever the truth of this confusing conclusion, and with all respect for and condolences to Officer Sicknick’s family, the circumstances of his death do matter to the public, as without his death having been caused by the events of Jan 6, the breach of the capitol, serious though it was, cannot be described as a “deadly insurrection.” [].”

She goes into the history of the public being at the capitol. “The Capitol is not a sealed space exclusively for legislators, but it is one that is supposed to welcome the public in an orderly way”.

She ends with all of her beliefs about Trump that were erroneous based on the legacy media (such as NPR, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, radio and newspapers like New York Times). “I don’t like President Trump. (Do I not? Who knows? I have been lied to about him so much for so long, I can‘t tell whether my instinctive aversion is simply the habituated residue of years of being on the receiving end of lies).

But I like the liars who are our current gatekeepers, even less.

Then she ends with, I’m sorry.

I am sorry the nation was damaged by so much untruth issued by those with whom I identified at the time.

I am sorry my former “tribe” is angry at a journalist for engaging in —- journalism.

I am sorry I believed so much nonsense.

Though it is no doubt too little, too late —

Conservatives, Republicans, MAGA:

I am so sorry.

What can you and I do to overturn this tragic series of events caused by the “January 6th Committee” that sent decent Americans to prison and is continuing to hold them in prison by falsely calling them “insurrectionists”.

The ones that should now stand trial are:

Bennie Thompson, Chair, Mississippi

Congressman Bennie Thompson

Zoe Lofgren, California

Congresswoman Zoe Lufgren

Adam Schiff, California

Congressman Adam Schiff

Pete Aguilar, California

Congressman Pete Aguilar

Stephanie Murphy, Florida

Former Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy

Jamie Raskin, Maryland

Congressman Jamie Raskin

Elaine Luria, Virginia

Former Congresswoman Elaine Luria

Liz Cheney, Vice Chair, Wyoming and

Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney

Adam Kinzinger, Illinois

Former Congressman Adam Kinzinger

It boils down to this: Democratic run America can now be compared to Communist Russia. It’s time to take our country back from these commies. If you don’t believe they’re acting like commies, then do believe they are liars.

If you agree, please think about contacting our electeds and demanding some action!

In the next few days we’ll publish some recommended letters for your use. It’s time to get our fellow American political prisoners out of prison and try to put the real culprits in jail.

  1. David you must be a Biden fan, Northern California folks are crazy because we don’t agree with the president, you, this is suppose to be free America, freedom of speech, if we want to watch Fox we can without having to get your permission. Thank you for your letter you just proved my point.

  2. A lot of crazy people up there in rural northern California. My suggestion to you is to stop watching and listening to Fox propaganda. Wake up and come back to reality. Being woke is a good thing. It is better than being asleep and obeying Fox.

  3. These crooked, evil, lairs. The politicians become millionaires while in office, there does not seem to be away to stop them or get rid of them. Look what’s happening to our country. WAKE UP AMERICA!

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