Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

By Branden Bieber – January 20, 2023

Can it be true, our local crabbing fleet is only receiving $2.25 per/lb. 

The price of nearly “everything” has gone up, except the value of this West Coast delectable.

Despite the quality of crab, or the size of the crab biomass, it is apparent Government is regulating the industry into extinction.

Increased Marine Protected Areas, the possibility of Whale entanglement, increasing sea temperature’s that increase domoic acid levels (has anyone ever gotten sick from domoic acid poisoning?), and invasive species threaten the already volatile local market.  Nearly any excuse to limit the success of Vessel owners is being used to suppress the industry.

North in Alaska, the Snow Crab season was closed.  Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers organization estimates the direct financial loses to the fisheries is $500 million.  Adding in the ripple effects to their economy, estimates rise to nearly $1 billion in losses.

Locally, the market price is another example of how Del Norte County is being mandated into economic depression.  With little to no private industry economy, the assault on the local fisheries will likely lead to more families living in poverty in Del Norte County.

I pray our local fisherman be blessed with safe passage and harbor.  That they remain safe while conducting a dangerous job, and that their holding tanks are abundantly filled with their undervalued catch. 

Let us also hope our local elected officials start working for the people of Del Norte, and refute the aristocracy of State and Federal mandates. 

Del Norte County deserves more than being the “home of the homeless.”

2 thoughts on “TOO CRABBY!”
  1. Politics is into every ones lives, jobs, cost of living, and so on, folks don’t think about up keep of a fishing boat, insurance, maintenance, supplies, bad weather keeps fisherman from earning a living at only $2.25 per pound. The snakes in DC (swamp) get paid leave, paid vacations, fancy lunches, dinners, parties, while some Americans go hungry, WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS COUNTRY? I guess hard working Americans come last.

  2. Perhaps the day will come when the citizens of Del Norte County wake-up and shake loose the shackles of California Tyranny. The “Greater Idaho Movement” and the “State of Jefferson” are two viable secessionist movements to consider. Til that fine day comes, we in Del Norte County must support our local fishermen, and be afforded more opportunities to purchase our local catch. The prices offered by middlemen is pathetic, while our community and local fishermen would benefit from the sale of this delicacy to locals at a slightly higher cost. For do-it-yourselfers, crab can be canned for long term storage, the same as tuna and other seafoods. Perhaps our local fishermen can expand their outreach to Del Norte County and advertise locations where local catch can be made available to Del Norte citizens. These outlets could offer a special discount to folks with local addresses, volume discounts, or punch discount cards like the old Spotlight Video stores had; one dollar off for every 10 dollars spent. Some enterprising people could even start a free home delivery service for purchases over a set amount. I am old enough to remember daily visits by the milkman, with glass bottles topped with cream. Swans offers home delivery. so why not a refrigerated truck offering locally caught seafood? We are blessed with a local fishery, so we should make ample use of it.

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