Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert – May 25, 2022

I secured a win for free speech by working to stop the Disinformation Governance Board. As a result of my pressure campaign in Congress by introducing the Protecting Free Speech Act with 75 cosponsors and leading a press conference with House leadership, the Biden administration announced that Nina Jankowicz resigned and the Board was put on “pause.”

While we were successful in defending free speech from this attack, the fight is not over. The government should never be in the business of deciding what is true and this administration should start governing more like Washington and Reagan and less like Stalin and Mao. The Biden administration has been unrelenting in its assault on the First Amendment. This is America not China. I will continue to fight to ensure the people are not silenced by Biden bureaucrats and Big Tech.
2 thoughts on “VICTORY FOR FREE SPEECH!”
  1. Lauren Boebert thank you for this letter, but how in the world did this county get to this point? Let’s not forget it’s WE THE PEOPLE why can’t we all try to work together maybe it’s because the DC Swamp will call us domestic terrorist for having a different opinion, we all have different opinions we need them to work together to solve problems.

  2. Perhaps we should have one of our County Psychologist’s conduct a mental assessment on our Board of Supervisors. They seems to have forgotten their oath to the Constitution as they impose fake mandates, and restrict constituent’s free speech. Chairman Hemmingsen should excuse himself from office for his lack of transparency and dementia like symptoms. His ability to accomplish “ANYTHING” stops with his role as stopwatch monitor during public comment.
    Liberal Environmentalist Republican Chris Howard is showing signs of Schizophrenia and Paranoid Delusional Disorder with his political brochure claiming the success he brought to Del Norte County. Despite his endorsement by the local farmers (most receiving PPP $$,) Mr. Howard claims of success are some of the County’s biggest failures.
    Del Norte County will be a better when these two individuals do not represent us.

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