Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

By Guest Columnist Michael Ceremello – May 11, 2017

It seems as a country we are witnessing a change.  The change is back to a version of common sense.  As the complicit media and leftist Democrat legislators are getting their heads handed to them, all I can say is “it is about time”.

I think most of us in the general population can figure out right from wrong fairly easily.  Where we have a problem is taking action when we see wrong being carried out on a daily basis.  While California hasn’t quite seen the light yet, as we the public continue to put the wrong people into our State Legislature and they in turn put their like minded bureaucrats into positions of power, it is refreshing to see that at least one judge has reversed the trend witnessed in the Solano Superior courts of siding with government on all levels simply because they are the government.

Out of the Sacramento County Superior Court of Judge Christopher Krueger, the citizens of California and especially of Dixon were granted a reprieve from the decision by the State Public Health Department to lower the limit on hexavalent Chromium from 100 parts per billion (ppb) at the Federal level and 50 ppb at the State level to 10 ppb.  Researchers have proven that concentrations at 220 ppb effect humans.

Once again the environmental terrorists of this State got their way.  I personally attended the hearing in Sacramento put on by the health department.  After testifying, I was contacted by an attorney who was looking for groups to join in a lawsuit to prevent this perversion of the law.  Specifically, the State was required to take into consideration the “economic impact” in setting their new limits.  This is the same as having the State Water Quality Control Board lying to communities while forcing them into bankruptcy.  They consider the impacts then say “oh well … so what?”

From a joint press release of the Solano County Taxpayers Association and the California Manufacturers and Technology Association, the two groups who actually had the guts and wherewithal to stand up to the State, “In its August 2013 analysis of the drinking water standard, DPH reported that in smaller water districts, an average household would pay $5,630 more per year on their water bills to meet the 10 ppb standard.”

That amounts to almost $500 per month to your water bill, folks.  So that means instead of paying around $100 every two months for water and sewer, you would be receiving a bill for more than $1000.  Sounds like a house payment or an Obummer-Care premium.  Now comes the inevitable point.

The Dixon city council was asked by me to join in on the lawsuit.  Cal Water was asked to join in.  Vacaville was asked to join in.  Cal Water even spent millions to develop an ion exchange system which is now no longer necessary.  In addition, Cal Water should have known about Senate Bill 385 which only required “a plan” to be written up to be in compliance until 2020 while waiting for the outcome of the litigation.  What do all of these groups have in common?  It isn’t their money they are spending.  It is yours.

As I have stated in the past, water rates aren’t sensibly controlled and our water system is not a “turkey”.  It needs to be managed by elected officials who care about the finances of their citizens.  The majority of this council doesn’t get that and the previous council was even worse.  I strongly believe the former council and perverted mayor actually took some glee out of knowing they were hurting their own citizens.

So the next time I or any other member of the public approaches the podium at a city council meeting, perhaps it would be better if the council doesn’t “turn me off before I even start speaking”.  Perhaps it would be better if the current mayor, Thom Bogue, comes to the realization that the “CAVE” people, the knuckle draggers, those who hate the government which acts against our citizens actually did what he and his group of obstructionists couldn’t achieve.

Does this prove that higher government needs to be told “NO” when they become unreasonable?  Does this show that the waste water treatment plant improvements didn’t achieve anything but satisfying the State Water Board’s chant of “just do something”?  Does this prove this city is still divided between those who believe in bureaucracy instead of those of us who believe in our own citizens?

Isn’t it about damn time we all started working together for the entire community? …

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