Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

I spoke to dispatch at the Crescent City Police Dept this morning, and 2 officers came to meet me. We discovered there are what looks like more than one person squatting at the house next door to us. They are defecating in the yard as well as inside in the toilets (no water service is currently on) and on the floors. One of the men I saw coming out of that drive this morning was wearing a dark, hooded sweat shirt with SANTA CRUZ printed in large letters on the front and he walked over to Discount Liquors to drink FREE morning coffee which they provide.  Many of the homeless, alcoholic, and drug addicted population of Crescent City start their day at 7 am at the Liquor Store.

I spoke to the City Council at the December 15th meeting about this situation. I included copies of my correspondence to the acting Police Chief to Councilman Richard Enea, because of his hard work to eradicate blight, and  to Councilwoman Kathryn Murray, because she apologized to me for the condition of residence, and that I should not have to live next door to such filth and crime in a home we have owned for over 30 years.

When will it end? This situation has been on-going for years. I implore you all, PLEASE help me take back this neighborhood. Let’s organize a Neighborhood Watch.

John Wood

Crescent Ciy, Ca.

6 thoughts on “Need to Organize More Neighborhood Watches”
  1. Maybe the sheriff and police department should serve free coffee, in the large green house across from the jail. And have a temp job office there.
    Where people can work a at least couple of hours.
    When the recycling center was gone we had people starving with no way to make a little money.
    Please don’t tell me that myth that these people don’t want to work ..

  2. Mike Marler,

    Thank you for the offer, and you can definitely count me in as a patrol volunteer – I look forward to meeting you. Donna has my e-mail address, and she has my permission to give it to you. My physically disabled, 91 year old, WW-II veteran, Nazi fighting father in law owns a house on Union Street, which was a very nice and safe place for my wife to grow up in. It was recently burned by these cockroaches. The story was front page story in the Triplicate couple of weeks ago. Now these criminals are systematically dismantling that house, board by board, and have even removed the sinks or anything else the think they can get a buck for! I was there and almost stepped on a discarded syringe. I have had it with this scum. Count me in!

  3. Hello John, I’M Mike Marler with Fonder of the Bertsch Tract Neighborhood Watch and the Del Norte Neighborhood Watch, I am currently organizing a patrol group for Del Norte County so far we have 25+ patrol volunteers and growing fast. If you’re interested in joining or starting a group or if you’re currently in one and would like to help, you can contact me on our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/groups/DelNorteNW or if you’re not on Facebook we will be having a Neighborhood Watch meeting for the whole county sometime in February, watch for notification of that meeting in the Triplicate and crescent city times.com. Thank for your wanting to help our community.

  4. Some of us have been working together in a loose-knit, unorganized, neighborhood watch. With these streets becoming meaner than I have ever seen them, we need to organize while be trained and sanctioned by the CCPD and Sheriff Apperson. Although we have very fine, hard working, but underpaid officers (How much would expect to be paid to write a blank check to the citizens of this community for laying your life on the line every single day?)in the city and county, they can only investigate crimes the know about. They need the eyes and ears of good citizens. Many good neighbors have told me for years they are fed up and ready to join an organized neighborhood watch – so let’s do it! We can post new signage and posters to let these nair-do-wells roaming the streets stealing, drinking, using and selling drugs, urinating and defecating in public on our lawns, streets and sidewalks know we are working together and watching them.

    I am an early riser, and just this morning at 5 AM, I saw two young individuals riding their small bicycles up and down my street, checking inside the windows of cars parked along the street. When I came out and shined a spotlight on them, they scattered like cockroaches when you turn on the kitchen light. But to compare them to a cockroach is an insult to the cockroach. By the way – We found what looked like stolen tools in the often abandoned house I spoke of where different groups have squatted more times than I can count. These are tools they use to break into your car, and your home that you worked so hard to buy.

    Donna knows where to find me, so lets get busy and point out these scum bags to law enforcement. I will not be intimidated. Time to take back our neighborhoods! Who’s in!?

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