Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

By Brian Kolfage – January 11, 2019 –
Eight days before Christmas I started this GoFundMe campaign because I was tired of watching the U.S. government’s inability to secure our southern border. Like most Americans, I see the porous southern border as a national security threat and I refuse to allow our broken political system to leave my family and my country vulnerable to attack.

The plan of action was simple and straightforward to raise money to construct a wall on our southern border. We have raised over $20 Million from 325,000 plus donors and we are only just getting started! I have been literally overwhelmed and inspired by the outpouring of support, calls, and emails from American citizens who support our efforts to Build the Wall. I got some hate as well but that was easy to ignore with all the positive feedback I was getting. I immediately sought out and consulted with some of our country’s leading professionals in law, politics, national security, construction, and finance. This team has spent countless hours over the holidays reviewing all issues pertaining to the construction of a southern border wall. Unanimously, we have all come to the conclusion that:

-The federal government won’t be able to accept our donations anytime soon.

-We are better equipped than our own government to use the donated funds to build an actual wall on the southern border.

-Our highly experienced team is highly confident that we can complete significant segments of the wall in less time, and for far less money, than the federal government, while meeting or exceeding all required regulatory, engineering, and environmental specifications.

-Our team strongly believes that we can complete our segments of the wall for less than half of the government’s estimated costs on a per mile basis.

To show the government how “We the People” can get this done, we have formed a Section 501(c)(4) non-profit Florida Corporation named “We Build the Wall, Inc.” to receive the GoFundMe contributions. Our website can be found at

The following individuals serve on the on the advisory board, and construction, finance, and or audit committees, operations, administration, PR, Media and ongoing fundraising:

Brigadier General Dr. Robert S. Spalding III

Industrialist John Daniel Moran, Jr.

Ex-Navy SEAL and businessman Erik Prince,

Former Secretary of State of Kansas Kris Kobach,

Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza

Law enforcement and immigration expert Sheriff David Clarke

Fox news contributor and border security expert Sara A. Carter

Former Colorado Congressman and presidential candidate Tom Tancredo

Angel Dad Steve Ronnebeck

Media consultant and journalist Jennifer Lawrence

and many others

We have made significant progress in less than a month. We have begun extensive due diligence and the commencement of feasibility studies engaging leading experts in a variety of fields necessary to construct our border wall. These professionals have provided us with critical guidance on the legal, engineering, contracting, environmental, accounting, maintenance, and real estate issues required to build a wall on the southern border.

We are already taking action on:
-Identifying the most densely crossed areas of the border
-Soliciting affected landowners along the Southern border
-Studying the most feasible solutions based on terrain, barrier styles, environmental impact and efficacy
-Ascertaining the willingness of border landowners to provide no or low-cost easements on their property for wall construction

If the Democrats won’t provide the funding for what the American people voted for in 2016 then we the people will. When Americans see us completing real miles of beautiful wall, we know that we will raise the many billions we need to finally secure the entire border. I am 100% committed to secure our southern border and protect Americans.

There is a lot of work ahead of us, but this has never deterred me in the past. With the help of our highly experienced team, and your support, we will make this work!

The Articles of Incorporation and Mission Statement of We Build The Wall, Inc. make delivering on my promise to get a wall on the southern border built the clear objective and purpose of the organization.

“Our mission is to unite private citizens that share a common belief in providing national security for our Southern Border through the construction, administration and maintenance of physical barriers inhibiting illegal entry into the United States. In interpreting the purpose of the Corporation, the Board of Directors and Members of the Advisory Board will consider the impact of a proposed structure on a selected site’s environment and construct barriers primarily designed to prevent illegal access to the United States, rather than cause catastrophic injury. We will focus on building portions of a U.S. Southern Border wall and manage the support operations required for, and the processes associated with, the design, engineering, construction, and maintenance of the wall.”

100% of the funds raised on GoFundMe will be used in the execution of our mission and purpose. To honor the commitment, we made to our donors; all funds raised, less the processing fees and refunds, will be transferred to a special purpose account to carry out the purposes and mission of We Build the Wall, Inc. I will personally not take a penny of compensation from these donations.

When I created this fundraiser, I said if we did not reach our goal we will refund donors. I am honoring that commitment today. We will promptly refund your donation unless you tell us you approve our new plan for action.


You MUST tell GoFundMe you still want to Build the Wall or your contribution will not be included in this historic project.


If you want a refund for your donation, no need to do anything. You will receive your refund a few weeks after the 90 days expires and GoFundMe will notify you once your refund has processed. If you would prefer a refund now, you can request that here:

You can also contact GoFundMe here. You need to do this by April 10!

NOTE BY EDITOR:  Brian Kolfage, a triple-amputee Air Force veteran, raised more than $20 million on the crowd-funding platform to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. At the onset of the campaign, Kolfage said he would only collect the funds if the campaign hit its goal of $1 billion — about one-fifth of what President Trump has been demanding from Congress to build it.

2 thoughts on “We the People Will Build the Wall”
  1. Brian,

    I got the message and the Opt in but it came in on spam. I am not to good with the computer so I don’t know how to have it come in the right way. I also tried here to Opt in but it doesn’t work. I don’t know what else to do but to donate on the computer and wait for the refund on my check. If you can think of a better way let me know.

  2. People who trust the government for nothing but trust them to build walls around them? Walls work against everyone but the wall keepers. Let your govt build a wall, find yourself in a cage. We are on a teeter totter and it is about to go the other way for the first time in our nations history. If the dollar goes down, I want no walls enforcing that I get documentation from a government that may not want me to leave or even really exist at some point.

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