Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

By Jamie Yarbrough – April 6, 2022

Long, long time since last chapter, I know but things in the world are heating up and the initial topic of ‘brainwashing’ is sorely in need of attention.

Last time as you recall we visited the migration of ‘human beings’ across the planet and showed that not only did they move individually, but they move in groups, established boundaries, cultures, and a myriad of things that go along with those movements.  In this edition, please see the reference at the end for a more detailed account of what has been happening on the planet since the supposed ‘big bang, some @14 BILLION YEARS AGO!  There are far too many to draw any conclusions that would pin any one or collection of occurrences to a popular phrase many of you are very familiar with, “mass formation hysteria,” but that is where we are heading and will end.


— Milestones in Evolution and History —

(Severely abbreviated)

(PS, as mentioned before, this is history (aka Facts) and everyone is

entitled to their own opinions and beliefs but not their own facts )

13,800,000,000 Big Bang singularity, creation of all particles of matter and counterpart antimatter, and the laws of physics governing their interactions; expansion and cooling of space → formation of the observable Universe, its galaxies, solar systems, stars, planets, moons, asteroids and comets


1,500,000 (years ago) earliest control of fire, by Homo erectus (Koobi Fora, Kenya) → uniquely human capability, extending the day by firelight, improving nutritive intake with cooked food


400,000    earliest evidence of food storage for later consumption: bone marrow (Qesem Cave, Israel) → food economy, anticipating future need.


71,000       earliest heat-treatment of bladelets, for atlatl darts or arrows (South Africa): communication of complex technology → emergence of the modern mind


60,000      earliest notation, with notched-bone tally marks by Neanderthals (Les Pradelles, France) → uniquely human number culture and record keeping


42,000      earliest musical instruments: bone and ivory flutes (Swabian Jura, Germany) → concepts of harmony, melody, rhythm, timbre; no human society without music


40,000      full developments of language; efficient social bonding through gossip → over 7,000 living languages, over 2,000 vanishing.


13,400       earliest evidence of inter-communal violence on a large scale, with projectile impacts and blunt-force trauma (Jebel Sahaba, northern Sudan): competition for food?


5000 – [7,000 (years ago )]         rise of languages with subject-verb-object syntax – as in English – from the root syntax of subject-object-verb (proto-Indo-European), and expansion westward; other combinations arise later.


3300 – 5,300     earliest numeral systems: pictograms of economic units (Uruk, Mesopotamia) → cuneiform sexagesimals in Mesopotamia by c. 3200 BCE, and hieroglyph decimals in Egypt by 3100 BCE.

3200 – 5,200     full writing (cuneiform in Mesopotamia, hieroglyphics in Egypt) using the rebus principle → bookkeeping, instruction, commemoration, scripture, prayer, historical records.


3100 – 5,100       development of governance systems with the rise of Uruk, city of 30,000 residents (Sumer civilization, Mesopotamia), and cities of the Indus Valley → class divisions and living off the labor of others.


2550 – 4,550     architectural precision: the Great Pyramid of Giza (Egypt), taller than any other building in the world for 3,800 years.


2300 – 4,300     earliest records of marriage ceremonies, uniting a man and a woman (late 3ʳᵈ millennium BCE, Akkadian clay tablets).

2100 – 4,100       earliest code of law, applying general principles to particular cases (Code of Ur-Nammu, Sumerian King of Ur, Mesopotamia).


BCE 1800 – 3,800       beginnings of complex societies: Babylonian civilization in Mesopotamia, 1800 BCE; Olmec civilization in Mesoamerica, 1800 BCE; Shang dynasty in China, 1600 BCE; New Kingdom in Egypt, 1600 BCE


BCE 1800 – 3,800       beginnings of complex societies: Babylonian civilization in Mesopotamia, 1800 BCE; Olmec civilization in Mesoamerica, 1800 BCE; Shang dynasty in China, 1600 BCE; New Kingdom in Egypt, 1600 BCE.


550 – 2,550        professional policing, investigating criminal cases, addressing injustices (the paqūdu of Babylonia c. 550 BCE).

450 – 2,450        collection of the Torah and other scriptures into the Hebrew Bible → Christian Old Testament 500 years later, including the divine authority of the Ten Commandments.

400 – 2,400        Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha, c. 480-400 BCE, Ancient India) lays the foundations of Buddhism, with joy as a calling towards the path of nirvana; rebirth in hell for misconduct.

375 – 2,400        idea that justice and virtue are inherent qualities of inner harmony (Plato’s Republic, Greece): limits to the liability of external forces for conduct → moral conscience of Christianity.

350 – 2,350        development of formal systems of reasoning, by logical deduction from axioms and postulates (Aristotle, Greece) → scientific disciplines

350 – 2,350        political theory of social welfare (Aristotle, Greece): a state tax on assets of affluent citizens for distribution amongst the poor.

300 – 2,300        mass persuasion, using silver coins stamped with the head of previous legendary ruler Alexander the Great (Lampsacus, Turkey): appropriating history to glorify the present.


CE 50 – 1,950     death of Jesus of Nazareth and transcribing of his life in the New Testament → rise of Christianity, with salvation for the righteous and heaven as reward; otherwise fear hell.

300 – 1,700 beginning of central Europe’s 300-year Migration Period: cultural and socioeconomic turmoil coinciding with climatic variability; eastern tribes overwhelming the Roman Empire.


1060 – 962  beginning of 300 years of warring Crusades in the name of the Latin Church, against Islamic rule in the biblical Land of Israel and Palestine.

1120 – 900 first government-issued paper money (Song dynasty, China) → a trusted IOU bundling Aristotle’s functions of money, as medium of exchange, mode of payment, unit of account, store of value.

1526 – 496 beginning of the Atlantic slave trade by Europeans (1526) → 12 million slaves exported from Africa to the Americas up to 1900

1542 – 480 global population of humans passes 500 million; annual energy use per person averages 9,800 kWh, 14× the resting metabolism.


1776 – 246 The declaration of independence of the United States of America from colonial rule, and of the unalienable rights of all humanity to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (4/7/1776) economic superstate of the USA

1776 – 246 The idea that pursuit of self-interest leads to the common good (Adam Smith, Britain, The Wealth of Nations 1776) → free markets, producing unequal opportunity unless government regulates trade.

1789 – 233 spread of Republicanism (French Revolution, 1789-1799) → radical socio-political transformation in western Europe; building of nation states; metric system of weights and measures by 1792.


1867 – 155 The theory that capitalism exploits labor, with the objectionable consequence of empowering the rich by disadvantaging the poor (Carl Marx, Germany, Das Kapital 1867, 1885, 1894) → Marxism, socialism, Stalinism.


1895 -127  first commercial screening of motion-picture films (Auguste and Louis Lumière, France, 1895) → birth of cinema, entrancing audiences with captured events and experience.

1900 – 122 the theory of the unconscious mind and emotions motivating and guiding human behavior (Sigmund Freud, Austria, The Interpretation of Dreams 1900) → limits to rational behavior; foundation of psychoanalysis.


1900 – 122 two-thirds of the global population living in extreme poverty, on less than US$1/day (1985 prices), by 1900 → one-quarter by 1990, amid rising geopolitical inequality up to 1950.


1914 – 108 World War I (1914-18): 32 nations participate, 20 million killed; declared “the war to end war”.

1917 – 105 Russian Revolution (Russia, 1917) → first communist state: USSR, 1922-1991.


1926 – 96  first working television system (John Logie Baird, UK, 1926) → nationwide television broadcasting by 1929, bringing rulers to their subjects, entertainers to viewers, inspiring awe.

1926 – 96  Convention to Suppress the Slave Trade and Slavery (League of Nations, 1926) → commitment by 99 of 195 countries since 2008; still 168 million child laborer’s and 21 million forced laborer’s.


1939 – 83  World War II (1939-45): 184 nations participate, 60 million killed, including genocide of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust 1941-45.


1983 – 39 activation of standardized Internet Protocol (USA, 1983) → proliferation of email, file transfer, Internet forums, information sharing.

1983 – 39  genetic engineering enters mainstream agriculture, then medicine, with patents for genetically modified crop plants (International Plant Research Institute, 1983), and transgenic animals (Harvard College, USA, OncoMouse 1988).

1986 – 36 (years ago) global population of humans passes 5 billion;


1992 – 30  the Rio Earth Summit, Brazil, hosts the largest gathering of world leaders as of 1992, for intergovernmental collaboration on the environment, climate change, desertification

1992 – 30  global commitment by nation states to conservation of biodiversity, and sustainable use and equitable sharing of its benefits (UN Convention on Biological Diversity: CBD, 1992) → ratified by every country except the USA.


2011 – 11    number of liberal and elected democracies in the world peaks at 101 in 2011, encompassing 55% of the global population.


2019 – 3(years ago)    first case of COVID-19, caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (Wuhan, China, 1/12/2019) → pandemic triggering unprecedented lockdown of nations and societies worldwide, shrinking the global economy; largest vaccination programmed in history begins 8/12/2020 after 5.7 million excess deaths.


These are just some of the many events that have come to pass and shaped human existence. Perhaps you can pick out things that were caused or accelerated by large numbers of people believing or motivated by common thoughts, either of their own or by ‘ideologies’ that were spread through various forms of communication.

If you will go back to near the beginning – @40,000 years ago you’ll find the first mention of the word ‘GOSSIP.’  It has been said that a rumor will go around the world twice before the truth gets out of bed…

Now that the basic formation of the earth and it’s population has been exposed we can get down to what has been called the most complex object in (our) the known universe: the mind.

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