Sun. Feb 9th, 2025


household hazardous waste

Did you know that our local Del Norte County Transfer Station takes in all kinds of hazardous waste?  Things like latex and oil based paints, stains and varnishes; household fluorescent tubes and bulbs, TV’s, computers and monitors and more… for FREE…. EVERYDAY.  From 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday.

One of the things that should not go down the drain is FOG.  That stands for fats, oils and grease because it mucks up the sewer plant.  But, the Transfer Station takes FOG for FREE.

If you’ve never been to the transfer station, they are located right off Elk Valley Road at 1700 State Street in Crescent City.  Now only do they takes all types of garbage and trash, they also have extremely low rates on brush which includes grass clippings, tree trimmings, weeds and such.

What about needles, razor blades and other household sharps?  They have a bin to insert those types of things.  Or, take in a coffee can filled with such things and ask at the gate how to properly dispose of them.  The workers at the gate have always been helpful, friendly and personable.

Other hazardous wastes that can be disposed of free are:  used motor oil, drained oil filters, old antifreeze, lead acid batteries and household batteries.  With household batteries they ask that you tape one terminal.

Finally, once a year they sponsor a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event.  This year it falls on October 4th from 9 am to 2 pm. This has some limitations though.  Limitations are a maximum of 15 gallons of liquid or 125 pounds of solid hazardous waste.  You can also bring your contaminated motor oil.  Should you have any questions, call them at 707 465 1100.

2 thoughts on “What To Do With Household Hazardous Waste”
  1. I had no idea that there was a way to effectively dispose of hazardous waste that you produce in your home. My wife and I have been concerned with the environment and what we are putting into the world. I didn’t even realize that household batteries fell into this category. That is something I haven’t thought about, but I will definitely look into a safe way to dispose of them.

  2. I have lived here for almost a quarter of a century and had no clue they would take old computers, etc.

    Thanks a million for all that info. Awesome.

    Keep up the good work


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