Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – January 3, 2022

She’s known as MTG which stands for Marjorie Taylor Greene. She’s the gal from Georgia that speaks her mind and oftentimes those words are not only truthful, but damning to the Democratic Party. and Biden’s administration.

In January 2021, she had over 200,000 Twitter followers. Twitter permanently banned MTG’s personal account for “repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation policy.” Her Congressional account is still active for the time being. As a Representative she’s got 349,900 followers.

For those that believe the Covid 19 pandemic is a scare campaign and don’t buy into all the mask and vaxx baloney, Twitter’s policy seems ludicrous.

MTG was wise enough to get on GAB social media and GETTR and posted this yesterday:

“When Maxine Waters can go to the streets and threaten violence on Twitter, Kamala and Ilhan can bail out rioters on Twitter, and Chief spokesman for terrorist IRGC can tweet mourning Soleimani but I get suspended for tweeting VAERS statistics, Twitter is an enemy to America and can’t handle the truth. That’s fine, I’ll show America we don’t need them and it’s time to defeat our enemies.”

The woman has a lot of courage and is smart enough to point out the double standard. Republicans are being booted off Twitter faster than you can say Jack Robinson.

Former President Trump was permanently banned from Twitter in January 2021 where he had 88.9 million followers.

One thought on “Who Said, “Twitter is an enemy to America and can’t handle the truth””
  1. I can’t decide which is funnier, this website supporting her, or that you can’t even spell her name correctly.

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