Sun. Jan 26th, 2025


In follow up to the series on public records requests and the on-going questions concerning the expansion component on the waste water treatment plant, today I received in the mail a letter from City Manager, Gene Palazzo.  He states, “In a previous letter, Mr. Black explained that there are no ‘reports’ by the three engineering firms.  Over the years, City staff has spent a number hours with you, Mr. Nunn, and others discussing and reviewing the 11.8% expansion figure.  As City Manager, I am declining Mr. Wier’s time to engage in another meeting to discuss this topic.”

Being that I have met with Gene, Eric Wier and Wes Nunn once last year for 1 hour with unsatisfactory results, I think Mr. Palazzo is avoiding the issue.  What do you think?  This concerns records request #2.

I have not gotten an answer on WHO prepared the 1 page document and where did it come from? WHY is there a discrepancy between $12 million on MBR vs $30 million on the Wahlund bid?  WHO came up with 17% future %?   Did people lie on the Petition for Writ of Mandate when they (Brown & Caldwell, Kennedy/Jenks and Stover Engineering) developed the 11% expansion rate?  Am I missing something?  Until they can prove to me how they came up with 11.55% or 11.8% I am submitting my sewer bill payments UNDER PROTEST.  I think the city is in violation of Prop 218.  I do not intend to pay for expansion when ratepayers are only supposed to pay for operations and maintenance.

Again, this is the 1 page I received from the city.

PRR No 2 page 2

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