Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

By Assemblyman Kevin Kiley – October 24, 2021

Congratulations to Governor Newsom. California officially has the highest unemployment rate in the United States.

We now account for a third of the nation’s jobless claims. Gas prices are also higher than anywhere, as high as $7.59 a gallon. 

And shorter showers are on the way. Newsom declared a drought emergency because reservoirs are low, even though a few years ago they were overflowing – and water still flows abundantly into the ocean.

Speaking of the ocean: Newsom is refusing calls by industry experts to alleviate the backlog at our ports by suspending AB 5. His corruption has become a national crisis.

And remember Newsom’s vaccine lotteries? Where he spun a giant wheel, gave away $116 million, and compared himself to Oprah? A study finds they had no effect. 

Such waste, however, pales in comparison to the latest on “high speed” rail. We’ve just learned of another billion in cost overruns.

Meanwhile, rising crime has Walgreens closing five stores in San Francisco. A Recall of the SF District Attorney appears to have qualified; in LA, 31 cities have censured DA George Gascon with no-confidence votes. 

Governor Ronald Reagan said California “should never take second place.” Governor Gavin Newsom does have us leading the nation – in all the wrong ways.

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