Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

I have found there to be too many good ole boys in our governing system, they just seem to do what they want no matter the consequences of who they hurt.  People let it ride like they really do not want to make waves in a situation, to be politically correct.  Well I am a transparent person any way and when I feel things in my town are messed up I do speak, I try to encourage people to speak.    I am really upset, others are really upset, I have seen these kids put so much time and hard work into their sport, I have seen the coaches work long hours preparing stunts and cheers and music, long hours of work, now you fire this coach with no real back up on your part the only complaint you mentioned was not true and the mother has called you and now she is pissed too. The season is almost over and JC competition is next week. Are you really going to let this happen.

    First Hartwick says the coaches are not certified, so you closed practice for them, and they lost a game, then the next week after these girls spend their money to get certified you pull this firing thing saying  there are complaints that you cannot even produce,, hum and bunch of hooey.  Oh the woman you had take the place of these coaches was not certified when you put her in the position.
I could repeat all that I know others have already told you about this situation, but I am sure you know.
My daughter and granddaughter have been coaching cheer for some time now; their girls win at every competition they go to. Last weeks practice had to be cancelled because the new rule, you have to be certified, she got certified and others did also, then the other day she has been told she has been fired because of complaints which the ruling powers won’t tell her what they are.  She will be asking for the complaints in writing.
These girls are champs because of the quality of their training…don’t you think they would have known that there were complaints before they spent money to get their certification last week.
 I hope the girls will stand up for the coaching and experience they have received, I hope the girls will not except this, this may be a class act moment to stand for what is actually right, a  week from competition and this, weird.  I will not let it fly without a note to say this is pure and simple crap, don’t let it fly….I could write lots more about the lunacy of the way all this has been treated, and I will write letters to the paper and anyone else that might spread this word.
Lenda Beck
Crescent City, Ca

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