Thu. Feb 13th, 2025
   In a desperate act of tweaking a waning political career of minor significance  it appears that  local politician, Kathryn Murray, has jumped on the “Get Gitlin” bandwagon.  In a  heart-wrenching dramatic appearance before the Board of Supervisors Sep’t.9th (see Ustream BOS @ 36:36), she detailed how Mr. Gitlin had disrespected her personhood while she was  vocalizing during  the Solid Waste public comment period and after a recent Board meeting (see Solid Waste Authority-Ustream, 8-13-14-1:55:06). While hastily  admitting she had abused her allocated  time limit and  disregarded the Chair’s subsequent notification of same she expected to gain his ear after the meeting. To her consternation he rebuffed her attempt at further provocation and informed her that since the meeting was adjourned he was not obligated to hear her out. Strangely she equated this spurning of her designs  to some icky goo on the bottom of her shoe, Del Norte Triplicate, 9/13/14. Go figure.
     She added an interesting touche’ with her statement to have had heard from several( emphasis added) people, mostly women(emphasis added) of Supervisor Gitlin’s treatment of them in the same manner. While  barely compatible (several & mostly) it  is somewhat strained-it makes little sense. It is not much of a stretch to see a less than subtle attempt to mobilize the community Sisterhood into an anti-Gitlin campaign. By building on  existing discord on the Board  might this not be insider political intrigue at play? It is not unusual for seemingly disparate liaisons within a community to exist and to be an unseen force in directing community affairs and any attempt to alter that structure will be met with an outpouring of virulence and invective.
Dale L.Bohling
Crescent City, Ca.

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