Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

By Pastor Paula White-Cain and Dr. Alveda King – May 5, 2022

On this National Day of Prayer, Americans are reminded of the important role faith has played in our Nation’s history and continues to play in daily life. Now more than ever we need to come together in prayer. In the wake of the leaked draft of the Dobbs Case ruling, we join you in continuing to pray for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans and the entire human race. As we await the Supreme Court decision, ‘we the people’ continue to hope and pray for a great victory for life and for the day to come when all Americans have equal access and opportunity to pursue the American Dream.

As we have seen the Left work to advance radical on-demand abortions until the moment of birth at both the Federal and State level, we must stand firm in our resolve to advance policies that protect life, support mothers, and heal the American family.

Religious liberty and the ability to exercise one’s faith without fear of retribution from the government drove our forefathers to the New World and serves as a cornerstone of our constitutional republic. But in President Biden’s America, this inalienable right is under attack. Instead of upholding religious freedom and protecting religious exercise, the current administration has interfered with the American people’s ability to openly live out their faith. It has also failed to defend life and imposed divisive left-wing policies on both the American people and those in other countries — all on the taxpayers’ dime.

Here are five radical policies initiated by the Biden Administration to undermine prayer and faith:

  1. DID NOT INCLUDE THE WORD “GOD” FROM ITS NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER DECLARATION: According to the law, the President is required to issue an annual proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a National Day of Prayer, “on which the people of the United States may turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups, and as individuals.” However, while President Biden’s National Day of Prayer proclamation quoted civil rights leader John Lewis, it failed to reference God.
  2. DISMANTLED THE WHITE HOUSE FAITH AND OPPORTUNITY INITIATIVE: Shortly after assuming office, President Biden issued an executive order destroying the Trump Administration’s Faith and Opportunity Initiative. He replaced it with the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, an ideological office to advance of progressive policies such as combatting “systemic racism,” “disparities,” and “other forms of bias,” and “making equity a top priority.”
  3. UNDERMINED FAITH-BASED BUSINESSES AND INSTITUTIONS: Through an executive order, President Biden redefined “sex” to include gender orientation and gender identity. This change may force faith-based medical providers or institutions to perform sex-change surgeries, cross-sex hormone treatments for minors, and other procedures that violate their religious beliefs.  
  4. USED TAXPAYER DOLLARS TO FUND ABORTION AT HOME AND OVERSEAS: President Biden broke decades of historical precedent and violated the moral conscience of millions of Americans by revoking the bipartisan “Mexico City Policy.” This policy started under President Reagan and prevents foreign aid from being used for abortion services outside of the United States. The reversal of this policy has expanded abortion access overseas, all on the American taxpayer’s dime. Likewise, the Biden Administration’s proposed budgets have removed the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits the direct use of taxpayer funding for abortion — even though Joe Biden previously supported the Hyde amendment for over 40 years in the Senate.
  5. ENCOURAGED CONGRESS TO PASS AN ANTI-RELIGIOUS FREEDOM BILL: President Biden provided heavy support for the passage of the so-called Equality Act, H.R.5, which would add gender identity as protected classes akin to race. If enacted into law, biological males would be permitted to spend the night in battered-women’s shelters, use women’s locker rooms, and dominate women’s sports teams — which would force faith-based institutions to decide between violating their religious beliefs or losing federal funding.

At the America First Policy Institute, we fight for religious liberty and life each and every day.

Just a few short years ago, President Trump spoke at the National Day of Prayer event at the White House. Instead of shying away from God like our current Administration, President Trump boldly declared, “Faith is more powerful than government, and nothing is more powerful than God.”

President Trump’s words were true when he spoke them, and they remain true to this day. Thank you for your support as AFPI fights for the right of all Americans to live out their faith.

God bless,

Pastor Paula White-Cain

Chair, Center for American Values
America First Policy Institute

Dr. Alveda King

Chair, Center for the American Dream
America First Policy Institute

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