Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

The “Good Ole Boys” came out at Tuesday’s, May 12th, meeting of the Board of Supervisors when Doctor Angela Glore’s appointment to the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority became an issue.

Originally Roger Gitlin voted Dr. Glore in as the Public Commissioner serving on the Board. Then reneged at the final hour. Following Roger Gitlin’s lead was Supervisor Hemmingsen and Supervisor Howard.

A discussion ensued. Supervisor Hemmingsen and Supervisor Howard would not even recognize Dr. Glore’s title and instead addressed her as “Miss” Glore, making statements that downplayed her qualifications. What the hell are we in the 60’s again? A doctor who may have more education than Hemmingsen, Howard, and Gitlin put together was disrespected in open forum, when questions arose that she did not have the qualifications to read a financial report.

Supervisor McClure even made the comment, “It is like the white man who owns a factory.” Supervisor McClure quickly commented on the fact there were no qualifications for this position.

Dr. Glore spoke on her own behalf, and I have no doubt those men felt ashamed after listening to her qualifications. WOW! It’s 2015, and the men still go there without justification or reason, well at least not in open forum. After listening to Dr. Glore’s pleading, the vote to ratify her appointment to serve as the Public Commissioner to serve on the board of Del Norte Solid Waste Authority succeeded. Thank God there were people in the audience paying attention and speaking out on this issue.

Next up was Tedd Ward, Acting Director/Program Manager for Del Norte Solid Waste. Item number 24: Review and take action on the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2015­-2016 for the Solid Waste Management Authority as requested by the Acting Director/Program Manager of the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority.

Chair Finigan basically told Ted Ward his financial sheet was a mess and try back another time.

Ok, well Finigan is looking out, but Ted Ward was apparently looking perplexed in front of Chair Finigan, because Chair Finigan stated he didn’t like the faces that Ted Ward was making so Finigan decided to take a three minute break so Ted Ward could regain his composure.


Chair Finigan is getting too big for his little britches. He commonly interupts people during their 3 minute speaking time and humilates them as well. This is too controlling and border line infringement of a public speakers right to speak on a public issue. But wait, qualified immunity takes care of that so there is no way for the public to redress their grievences.

Folks, it is this type of governing that we the people are allowing. If we want change in our community it is time to start practicing our God given rights and begin recalling those who do not fit the shoe.

Linda Sutter

Crescent City, Ca.


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