Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

Opinion Piece By Linda Sutter – April 12, 2022

Board of Supervisors Meeting April 12, 2022

The Board of Supervisors proudly and boastfully made clear that although the current Repeal of the 1% sales tax was placed on the ballot, it will not repeal the sales tax.

Joel Campbell-Blair stated the repeal only repeals the resolution not the tax ordinance. Board member Darrin Short found this to be hilarious. The Probation Department Head Lonnie Reyman, along with others felt a need to attack Linda Sutter because she is against the 1% sales tax and the malfeasance it produces.  

First off Mr. Reyman, your department is one of the worse bar none compared to the Sheriff’s department. When a Civilian walks up to the probation window and asks to speak with YOU, they are treated like common criminals with no respect. And how do you suppose I know this? I was the one nicely asking for a meeting with you, and when your staff acted the way they did, I let them know they work for the public and discourteous and rude treatment was completely unprofessional.

If you think your department is on the up and up Mr. Reymen, you are sadly mistaken. An event took place a while back where a lady who was released from Del Norte jail asked to have an ankle bracelet. She was told to fill out an application for $35.00 and it would be reviewed.  She was then told   “We don’t have any available” . None were available why would she not be reimbursed the $35.00 application fee?

Who got to keep that? You don’t know you say?

Not surprised Mr. Reymen not surprised. Someone got good lunch money don’t you think? No, your department is not so lily white as you profess, but you wouldn’t know that because you don’t speak to public members, but by gosh you’ll attack them right?

David Jones who is running for 5th District Supervisor hung himself and did a complete 180 stating he was voting NO against the repeal. He currently sits on the Citizen Oversight Committee and seems to believe everything the money is used for is on the up and up. But hold on there dufuss,  You have not been trained in the very thing you oversee, because if you had been, you would have immediately identified that the Measure R was NOT going to be spent on salaries and wages. I guess you failed to conduct your due diligence. What a great supervisor you would make, your hand would be out for the paycheck, but you would be a big mistake.

Ding Ding Ding, one less candidate to vote for.

Norma Williams is grateful and advocates measure R so people will get their “raises.” Ding Ding Ding, hey Norma, did you know once you start getting raises which is in October, they can’t take them back? Or didn’t you get taught that in your Union affairs 101 class?

As usual, the Board of Supervisors in regards to this matter is a regular shit show. 

But on a positive note, I was impressed by Sue Masten. I could not believe my ears when she took Heidi Kunstal to task and asked her why the General Plan Laws had not been updated since 2003. I thought I was gonna choke on my sandwich. Someone who is actually going to hold people accountable sitting for the 5th District?

Heidi Kunstal who makes a whopping $150,000 per year including pers and benefits gave the excuse, “it cost too much money to update our plans”.

Are YOU KIDDING ME? Kunstal then goes onto say, “but we go by current state laws.” 

Yeah Ms. Kunstal, I can see and especially hear about how you and your grunts go by laws. It is pathetic. You have no clue of what you are doing and prevent people who buy property from conducting business to the point they have to bring the Big Rock Community District President in to demonstrate to you your lack of knowledge. 

Unless new information is unveiled, a new repeal petition of the 1% County sales tax will most likely be conducted to obtain signatures to get it on a ballot.

3 thoughts on “WHILE YOU WERE WORKING”
  1. Ms Sutter I am unsure where you are getting your information from. But it would better serve you to do your due diligence to ensure you have the information correct before posting . You are eager to repeal measure R, why aren’t you giving measure S the same consideration.

    1. Measure S was set up to be on the June 2022 ballot, however the City unilaterally decided to put it on the November 2022 ballot. Petitions are due to be
      turned in around April 28th. There is also the repeal of the Fire District Tax that is in the works. Please read Linda Sutter’s
      latest article: “Taxpayer’s Burden” published today’s date. Also like to remind you that CAO, Jay Sarina was quoted in 2 forums in July 2020 that NO money from Measure
      R would be used for wages, salaries and benefits. Guess they lied, didn’t they? Too bad you have changed your mind about repealing Measure R. Under these circumstances,
      we cannot possibly endorse your candidacy. Donna Westfall, Editor

    2. Because I live in the county dummy. Speaking about not conducting due diligence you have no clue of where this already spent Measure R is leading us. Currently this County is $54 million dollars in the red for pension liability. They think we the people are going to pass a bond to pay for their pension? Think again.

      Measure R barely passed. The language of Measure R gave us the right to repeal it. We are Exercising that right.

      Lastly no one, not one person wants to vote for someone who flip flops.

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