5 Things to Be Grateful For This Thanksgiving
1. You’re not Bill Cosby. Sexual allegations about America’s Dad make him seem more like...
The DARK Act
CREDIT TO ORGANIC BYTES “MILLIONS AGAINST MONSANTO” Get on the Bus! December 10th. Organic Consumers...
Santa’s Light Parade
BY DONNA WESTFALL It was touch and go there all day long as the rain...
Cities In Australia Stopping Fluoride
SUBMITTED BY NYSCOF New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation AUSTRALIA REAKING NEWS: Despite not...
Label GMO’s -Oregon Vote
KGW Channel 8 Political Analyst Len Bergstein: “I think the ‘yes’ side is going to...
BY DONNA WESTFALL CREDIT TO DR. MERCOLA There’s just no other way to put it. ...
The Why’s and How’s of Protesting Increased Sewer Rates
BY DONNA WESTFALL Back in 2007, when we were ignorant about how City Hall works,...
City Wants Another $36 Mil For Sewer
OPINION PIECE BY KATHERINE KELLY Our City is on the verge of defaulting on the...