Update on Fluoride Around the Country
Credit to NYSCOF In the face of intense and well-funded fluoridationists Bennington (Vermont) votes ‘no’...
Learning to Brew At Home
BY JAIME YARBROUGH Over 20 people gathered at Ocean Air Farms on Sunday, March 1st, for a...
Excerpts from the Sheriff’s Department Facebook page: “Tune in to ‘Cop Talk’ every Monday morning...
Another City Battling Sewer Rates
CREDIT TO DIXON’S INDEPENDENT VOICE Third Time the Charm for Initiative? Will the Third...
More Bad News About Fluoride
I read the info on the new study about ADHD and fluoridation. I had not...
Remembering Leonard Nimoy as Dr. Spock
Starting with the original Gene Roddenberry series, Start Trek, in September 1966, Dr. Spock was...
And Another City to Stop Fluoridation
FLORIDA Boynton to stop putting fluoride in city’s water BOYNTON BEACH — Boynton Beach will no...
Another City to Stop Fluoridation
NEW JERSEY East Brunswick to Stop Fluoridation Excerpts: He said the township is going to...